Diamond Community

WOW! 6 months has already gone by,

6 months left and then it’s time to say goodbye.

Term 1 and 2 was so much fun,

We had lots to do, let’s start with Term 1.


You entered our doors with your giant backpacks,

Excited to show us your brain food, lunch and snacks.

We learnt our school rules and how to write our names,

We made new friends and played lots of new fun games.

Term 1 was over very fast,

School was easy – it was a blast!


Term 2 came with colder days,

We started it off with a pyjama day in May.

We saw Sleeping Beauty live,

And then our teachers taught us how to disco and jive.

Term 2 is over now,

Let’s get ready to end the year on a WOW!


We are so proud of the growth you have all made this year. We can’t wait to see what the next 6 months will bring.

Thank you for all your support at home so far.