Amethyst Community
What can we say…. We cannot believe how fast this Semester has gone. It only felt like yesterday when you arrived at your brand new big school ready to play on the playground and have some fun.
Some achievements we have made so far are
- Counting forwards and backwards
- Learning how to collect data on our friends
- Coping, continuing and creating patterns
- Finding circles, rectangle, triangles and squares in our environment
- Practising our letter formations
- Learning the letters and sounds in our new spelling word each week
- Writing about Discovery and different science experiments
- Making predictions and text-to-self connections whilst reading stories
We have had such a busy and fun semester 1 making jam sandwiches, racing in the fun run, wearing pjs to school, celebrating Eid, Easter and Chinese New Year. We are excited to see what Semester 2 will bring us and we are looking forward to seeing how much growth you will make.
A special thank you to our families for all your support in making your child’s first Semester at school a successful one.
Amethyst Community Teachers