The Science Lab has come alive in more ways than one this Semester! We have seen the addition of some new friends, our hermit crabs, the monarch butterflies, our new worm farm, as well as our spiny leaf stick insects! The students across the school have been engaging in all different elements of biology, physics, earth and space science and chemistry. The Prep students have been investigating sound, light and living things. The 1/2 students have been studying living and non living and the way push and pull forces impact the world around us. Over in year 3/4 students have been studying states of matter and how humans have impacted the surface of our planet, they also investigated how day and night occur on Earth and how our axis play a part in this. ⅚ students started their unit with an inquiry into our Frog bog, was it a thriving ecosystem or not? Turns out it is; with a plethora of insect life we have heard and recorded the call of the Common Eastern Froglet over the course of the semester. We even have a flock of rainbow lorikeets utilising the habitat as a bird bath from time to time. Students across the school have been asking questions, making predictions and testing theories all in the spirit of experiencing something new and strengthening their scientific understandings.