ClassStudentSchool ValueReason
FMCeleste LHelp others succeedFor doing an amazing job supporting your group to work as a team when creating your insect habitat. I love how you listened to your team members and compromised to create an awesome habitat. 
12CAArwen PRespect our environmentFor always making sure our classroom is tidy and clean by picking up after others and being a rubbish detective and collecting litter outside. You are an environmental superhero!
12DSam PDo your bestFor always giving 100% in everything you do. You have started this term brilliantly and I have enjoyed seeing you take on challenges with a big smile. Keep it up! :)
34SLucas EHelp others succeedFor being our class expert in word study and segmenting words where you always help everyone with their spelling (including me!). 
34KRose HDo your bestFor your fantastic SVT speech and rap! I love the effort you put in and it paid off, well done!
34LArden DDo your bestFor being a fabulous SVT representative in semester one. You sacrificed your lunchtimes to represent your peers and I am very proud of you. 
5ECAda MDo Your BestWell done on applying yourself during division lessons. I have been so impressed by the attitude you have shown in undertaking work tasks. Keep it up!
6RJRayne DDo Your BestFor giving everything a go.. I've been impressed with your positive attitude this week, especially with maths. Well done!
Performing ArtsCrystal B FMDo your BestFor joining in so enthusiastically with all our dance activities. You had some great moves Crystal. Well done!
Visual ArtsXavier C 5ECDo Your BestYou did a fantastic job in Art this week working on your Ugly Doll. Your focus, attention to detail and colour choices were wonderful. Well done. 
PEAmos W 34LDo Your Best You are a basketball shooting superstar! You gave your best effort to everything we did in PE this week and were a wonderful teammate. Well done. 
PMPTeams 8 & 9 Help Others Succeed What wonderful team mates you all were in PMP this week. It was fantastic to see you all supporting each other to achieve your best. Fantastic work! 
School PrideSpencer familyRespect our EnvironmentFor giving up some time during the holidays to come to school and move mulch.  This is greatly appreciated.
 Eagleton familyRespect our EnvironmentFor looking after the school’s chickens over the holidays.  Thank you.
 Kelly Black (Georgia)Respect our EnvironmentFor preparing and refreshing our plot to pot garden beds. They are looking wonderful.