Class | Student | School Value | Reason |
FM | Celeste L | Help others succeed | For doing an amazing job supporting your group to work as a team when creating your insect habitat. I love how you listened to your team members and compromised to create an awesome habitat. |
12CA | Arwen P | Respect our environment | For always making sure our classroom is tidy and clean by picking up after others and being a rubbish detective and collecting litter outside. You are an environmental superhero! |
12D | Sam P | Do your best | For always giving 100% in everything you do. You have started this term brilliantly and I have enjoyed seeing you take on challenges with a big smile. Keep it up! :) |
34S | Lucas E | Help others succeed | For being our class expert in word study and segmenting words where you always help everyone with their spelling (including me!). |
34K | Rose H | Do your best | For your fantastic SVT speech and rap! I love the effort you put in and it paid off, well done! |
34L | Arden D | Do your best | For being a fabulous SVT representative in semester one. You sacrificed your lunchtimes to represent your peers and I am very proud of you. |
5EC | Ada M | Do Your Best | Well done on applying yourself during division lessons. I have been so impressed by the attitude you have shown in undertaking work tasks. Keep it up! |
6RJ | Rayne D | Do Your Best | For giving everything a go.. I've been impressed with your positive attitude this week, especially with maths. Well done! |
Performing Arts | Crystal B FM | Do your Best | For joining in so enthusiastically with all our dance activities. You had some great moves Crystal. Well done! |
Visual Arts | Xavier C 5EC | Do Your Best | You did a fantastic job in Art this week working on your Ugly Doll. Your focus, attention to detail and colour choices were wonderful. Well done. |
PE | Amos W 34L | Do Your Best | You are a basketball shooting superstar! You gave your best effort to everything we did in PE this week and were a wonderful teammate. Well done. |
PMP | Teams 8 & 9 | Help Others Succeed | What wonderful team mates you all were in PMP this week. It was fantastic to see you all supporting each other to achieve your best. Fantastic work! |
School Pride | Spencer family | Respect our Environment | For giving up some time during the holidays to come to school and move mulch. This is greatly appreciated. |
Eagleton family | Respect our Environment | For looking after the school’s chickens over the holidays. Thank you. | |
Kelly Black (Georgia) | Respect our Environment | For preparing and refreshing our plot to pot garden beds. They are looking wonderful. |