Sports Academy Updates

Sports Academy Expression of Interest
If you are interested in joining the Sports Academy program at Lowanna College in 2023, please complete the expression of interest form below:
Ava Gaul - VNL Netball
Well done to Ava Gaul, one of our Year 11 Sports Academy students who is training with a VNL team.
Tanna Leicester - Gippsland FC
Congratulations to Tanna Leicester who is playing for the Gippsland FC Under 15s Soccer team.
Middle School Girls AFL
Well done to our Middle School girls who won the Gippsland AFL Interschool Sports Championship. They were undefeated beating Sale Catholic College, Korumburra Secondary College and Bairnsdale Secondary College, and now progress onto the next round of state finals in Melbourne.
Uniform Order
If you are interested in ordering some more Sports Academy uniform, such as an extra top or pair of shorts, or want your child’s name on the back of their sports academy top, the orders are open until close of business today. You can order via the link below. If you are new to the program, then this is a great chance to get your name on the back of the Lowanna Sports Academy top.
Nationals Basketball Training
A reminder for those who are participating in Nationals Basketball, training is running every Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 7:30am (excluding school holidays). All parents and students should have received an email reminder with a letter containing more details.
Nutrition with Danielle Purvis
Recently, Danielle Purvis from Standout Nutrition and Health has come into Lowanna to have one on one consults with some of our Sports Academy students. Danielle has also created a series of informational videos that outline some facts about nutrition, which are available to watch on the Lowanna College Facebook page.
Ramayer Gourley
Recently our Sports Academy head netball coach Ramayer Gourley, featured in the Latrobe Valley Express. The article describes and outlines her netball journey and all the barriers she had to overcome to get to where she is today. If you would like to read the story, follow the link below.
Dale Serong Visit
Last month we had Dale Serong visit from Ensong Coaching to talk to our Year 7-10 students about the importantance of goal setting and the smaller action plans that are needed to achieve their goals. This session was immensely beneficial for our students and we can't wait to watch them put these skills in place.
Collingwood Netball Visit
Last month our Middle School Sports Academy Netball students were lucky enough to sit court side and watch the Collingwood Magpies Netball team train. The students were given the opportunity to take part in a question and answer session and were then presented with a signed netball to conclude the visit.
Hawthorn Football Visit
Last month our Year 9-12 AFL Sports Academy students had the opportunity to visit Hawthorn Football Club. The students were able to watch the players train, participate in a question and answer session, have a kick on the oval, get photos with the players, and get numerous autographs.