Term 2 Week 2

Home Learning 


This week students will complete their unit of work on Narrative texts. They will be following the planning on their Story Mountain template to write their own narrative.  The next writing focus to commence this week is Persuasive texts.  Initially, students will develop an awareness of the different forms persuasive texts can take with the understanding that persuasion is the art of changing someone's opinion.  This can be done through convincing, justifying and explaining your reasons for thinking a particular way about something. Through understanding the purpose of persuasive writing, students can read and be exposed to examples of persuasive texts eg. advertising, print ads, speeches and reviews and think about the language used to persuade. 



This week we return to using Picture Story Books as our focus for literature. The book 'The Library Lion' reinforces the concepts related to our unit of inquiry. To develop the reading comprehension strategies of thinking about the text, thinking within the text and thinking beyond the text  the students will work through optional literacy activities in 'The Library Lion Literacy Menu'. Students are familiar with this format as they worked on literacy menus in term one in class.



Students in Grade 3 have been focusing on developing their spelling skills through an explicit phonics approach. The 'Write 2 Read' program explicitly teaches the students letter-sound correlation via flashcards that we call our 'codes'. This week students are asked to view the videos of Ms Langford-Jones showing the flashcards and to work through the Wordstudy 'Bootcamp' video which focuses on use of a particular spelling rule. These sessions will be familiar to the students as we have followed this routine in the classroom last term.


This week the students will complete a mini mathematics project over two days involving the planning, budgeting and purchasing of items for a party. This will involve monetary calculations of addition, rounding and giving totals. 

The other focus in mathematics is Chance and Probability.  Students will conduct investigations to explore and investigate a range of outcomes using a coin and dice. Students will use the skills of predicting, recording and analysing their results. 

Unit of Inquiry

This week students' will be thinking about rules and laws. Beginning with identification of what, where, why, how and who is involved in rule making. They will think about the difference between a rule and law and classify statements using this criteria. With an understanding of why we have rules and laws students will think about the impact of not following rules in our society. 


Each day students are to be reflective about their learning by completing one of the sentence starters on the daily planner link. This is an important part of their daily learning.

Students are also encouraged to do one of the Wellbeing activities prepared by Mrs Chadwick. These tasks give students the opportunity to have moments of mindfulness and to keep a balanced approach to home learning which is of great importance to their wellbeing. 


* Wednesday 9th - Friday 11th December - Camp to Arrabri Lodge, Warburton

Grade 3 Team

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you can do so via Compass. Alternatively, our email addresses are as follows:


Sylvia Zanati (3A) -



Georgia Kirk (3B) -



Shae Langford-Jones & Amanda Kerr (3C) -




Bill Kolivas (3D) -



Amy Chadwick (Hearing Unit)
