Education In Faith

From the Director of Catholic Identity

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! ( 2 Corinthians 5:17)


Spring is a time of renewal. A time of new birth. A time for new creation. As we see the new leaves, flowers and colours emerging in our gardens we are renewed with an energy that left us over the winter. The sounds of the birds are brighter and larger and the beams from sun hit us with joy. Spring truly is a time for a new creation.


Spring allows us a time to pause and reflect on our habits. Those moments we may have doubted ourselves, spoke unkind words to others or promoted our own needs above others. As spring begins this year let us reflect on such behaviours that take away our love for others and God. Let us allow those behaviours to pass away, let us become a new creation in Christ. Promoting above all a love for neighbour.


Prayer is the world's best wireless connection.


Towards the end of term our Staff and students partook in an ancient prayer practice, walking the Labyrinth. It was a new experience for many. Sr Rita setup the Labyrinth in the chapel and encouraged students to release as they entered the experience, walk quietly discerning their needs, stand patiently in the centre as they received God’s blessing and exit the labyrinth renewed.


The students took to the experience with reverence and interest, so much so that they begin creating Labyrinths with chalk and beads to take their experience home.


If you are interested to learn more about Labyrinths please get in contact as we would love to share the experience with you.


Danielle Fairthorne

Director of Catholic Identity

Love Your Selfie

Recently the Year 9 students went to Williamstown for their annual retreat day. The retreat, called Love your #Selfie, was based around the topic of self-confidence and beauty. During the day we had the opportunity to discover what beauty really is and how every person is beautiful in different ways. We engaged in a number of activities in small groups, looking into what it means to be beautiful and how beauty is found within each and every individual.


We then engaged in some creative activities, which consisted of making masks that represent our inner and outer selves. The final activity was to create an affirmation mirror, which everyone wrote affirms about each other on so that when we look at the mirror in the future we will be reminded of the beauty others see in us. The day was very successful and we ended the day by signing very loudly “Scars To Your Beautiful” reminding us that we are beautifully and wonderfully made.


By Grace Bosnar, Year 9

Concert For A Cause

This year at MSJ the Multicultural Association Group(MAG) consisting of Farida Machar, Agum Reech, Lidia Solomon, Andrea Hipolito, Akon Bol and many more, worked together to organise a fundraiser for the famine currently occurring in East Africa. As a group we decided to organise a two day event called ‘Concert for a Cause’, which included a bake sale, and live music performed by members of the MSJ community. The bake sale and concert was a total success as it brought people together, educated both students and Staff, making them more aware of the food crisis occurring in East Africa. We raised a total of $1200, all with the help of our fellow MSJ community.

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