Graduation Ball/Maturitní ples
2020 Graduation Ball/Maturitní ples 2020
The English College in Prague’s Class of 2020 celebrated their Graduation Ball at the Lucerna Palace on 31 January 2020. It was a splendid night not only for the graduates but also for their families and their teachers! Take a look at the photo galleries and videos from the event.
Maturitní ročník 2020 si užil svůj maturitní ples v Paláci Lucerna dne 31. ledna. Byl to nádherný večer nejen pro maturující, ale také pro jejich rodiny i jejich učitele! Níže se podívejte na fotogalerii a videa z této akce.
For the first time this year, Year 1 students were involved in the Graduation Ball and welcomed to the community of ECP students. They took part in a promenade and performed a nice dance within their induction ceremony.
Poprvé v letošním roce se do maturitního plesu zapojili i studenti 1. ročníku, kteří zde byli přivítáni do komunity studentů ECP. V rámci své imatrikulace se zúčastnili promenády a zatančili mazurku.
All videos from the Ball are available here:/Všechny videa z plesu jsou k dispozici zde:
Graduation Ball Speeches 2020
Graduation Ball 2020 Photos by Photographer Michal Čížek