S A K Garden

Alba Galban- Stephanie Alexander Garden Specialist
Our Garden is growing with all our winter vegetables now planted. We have garlic, Chinese broccoli, cauliflower, beans, beetroot, carrots, broad beans, spinach, silverbeet, onions and much more. You may have noticed that as winter sets in, the leaves have fallen making the garden look more open and spacious. Students have been busy with laying mulch, turning compost, taking care of the chickens and completing general garden duties.
Our focus in the garden this term, has been on recycling and our consumption of packaged foods. With the Green Team, I run some group activities that focus on the environment. Our Year 2 students were set a challenge to walk around the school to find rubbish that could be used as a pot plant. We have discovered that in the past 2 weeks our school has been quite clean and students are placing rubbish in the correct bins. Lucky for them I had my own collection of chip packets and biscuit boxes, so I could demonstrate how we can up-cycle rubbish.
We have a new chicken in the pen. Her name is Swany, she is a Ophington hen and is quite large. Students have been admiring her, with many students commenting on her size and look. She was given to us and is 2 years old. Having her in the pen brings awareness to the students that chickens come in all breeds and sizes and demonstrates that we are all different and unique in some way.
On 15th June, I would like to invite parents, grandparents and friends to be part of a project at the back of the portable. The idea is to have a group that runs for the first session of Friday morning, 9.00-10.40am, to create a space for the students and parents to walk in and enjoy. This area will only be accessible to students whilst accompanied by an adult, but volunteers are welcome all the time. We are waiting for some concrete to be laid which our green house will be placed back on and then it’s all hands on deck. The meeting spot will be the SAKG Shed and we can discuss strategies and what we want to see in this area. This is a community area so your input is important. Meetings and work is scheduled for Friday morning. No garden experience is necessary as you can learn on the way….this is a great way to de stress, and meet new people. Children are welcome but need to be supervised by a guardian.