Energy Breakthrough

KPS Shooting Stars
Lightning & Thunder
Zac 6B
Alex 6S
We are excited to announce that the main fundraiser for Term 2 for the Energy Breakthrough Team is PERSONALISED DRINK BOTTLES!!
Your child should have received an order form, the drink bottles are only $12 each. The bottles are 750mL, BPA free and clear. They are personalised with a vinyl name in your choice of colour and font. We know this will be a very popular fundraiser so we urge you to order sooner rather than later, with final orders due by Friday 15th June. Think about ordering bottles for friends and family as well – they will make excellent presents! A few example bottles are on display in the school office and extra order forms are also available there too.
All parents are encouraged to save the date for the biggest and most exciting Trivia Night you’ll ever go to – our ROCKQUIZ TRIVIA NIGHT, on Saturday 4th August, hosted by local band The Gap. Start organising your table of 10 and tickets will be on sale soon for $20 each. This is an 18+ only event. See our flyer below.
The KPS Energy Breakthrough Team does not receive any funding and runs completely separately from the School Parent Club and the fundraising levy. In order to build two Human Powered Vehicles (HPVs) to race at Maryborough in November, the team must raise considerable funds and we thank the whole school community for their support of the KPS Shooting Stars and their fundraising efforts.