Upcoming Events

Term Two 2018

11th June   Queens Birthday Public Holiday 

12th June   Q&A with Principal Class and New School Council President

13th June   UNSW Spelling

13th June   6.30pm   Community Engagement Taskforce Meeting

14th June   UNSW Writing

20th June   Senior Choir Singalong at Dingley Primary School

20th June   Year 6 Boys & Girls Basketball Gala Day

22nd June   Year 5/6 Winter Sport Gala

26th June   Parent/Teacher Interviews

29th June    Last Day of Term Two - 2.30pm Finish

Term Three 2018

16th July   First Day of Term Three

26th July   Year Two 'The Zoo Comes to You' Incursion

27th July   Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival 

30th July   5.00pm   Ski Camp Information Night

31st July   UNSW English

4th August    Energy Breakthrough Trivia Night

10th August   iii STEAM Conference - Student Free Day 

14th August   UNSW Mathematics

15th August   Prep - Year 2 Books to Life In School Visit

15th August   Ski Camp 

17th August   STEAM Day 

29th August   Father's Day Stall 

31st August   7.45am   Father's Day Breakfast 

31st August   District Athletics Carnival

4th September   1.30pm   Cast A Matinee Performance

4th September   6.30pm   Cast A Evening Performance 1 

5th September   6.30pm   Cast A Evening Performance 2 

11th September   1.30pm   Cast B Matinee Performance 

11th September   6.30pm   Cast B Evening Performance 1 

12th September   6.30pm    Cast B Evening Performance 2 

21st September    Last Day of Term Three - 2.30pm Finish

Term Four 2018

8th October   First Day of Term Four

18th October   Regional Athletics Carnival

19th October   Scholastic Book Fair starts 

19th October   Art Show starts

6th November   Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday 

11th November    Remembrance Day 

19th November   Bike Ed TBA

27th November   Prep - Year 1 Swimming Lessons Start 

4th December   Kingswood Twilight Carols 

13th December   Year 3 Sleepover at Taskworks TBC

17th December   Year 5-6 Water Safety Day 

21st December   Last Day of Term Four - 1.30pm Finish 

This calender is subject to change

Please note that in some cases we may need to change the date or time of an event. Please continue to check Compass for updates. If you would like any further information, please contact your child's teacher through Compass.