The NAPLAN results for our Year 7 and 9 students are now available. The results should be arriving at your homes very soon, if they haven’t already. Newsfeed notices and text messages were sent to all families asking them to make sure that the addresses we have on Compass are current, before the mailout occurred. They were mailed out in the middle of the last week, so we ask that students and families look these over together and have a discussion about them.
In 2021, Year 9 students who achieved outstanding results or who significantly improved their results in NAPLAN tests have been awarded a NAPLAN Certificate of Achievement.
The certificates aim to celebrate and recognise the importance of both excellence and learning growth.
Congratulations to these students who received a certificate:
- Sasha Turzynski
- Ben Hemmings
- Paige Small
- Cohen Fisher
- Matt Pile
- Ashley Roberts
- Aaliyah Gadsden
- Callum Morris
NAPLAN results allow students, parents, carers and educators to see how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy over time – individually, as part of our school community, and against national standards.
The tests provide an important contribution to monitoring and evaluating the performance of our school in these fundamental capabilities. They also provide us with information about how our education approaches are working and the areas to be prioritised for improvement. They help identify those students requiring support in the learning of literacy and numeracy, and also those requiring extension activities in these areas.
NAPLAN tests are only one aspect of our school’s assessment and reporting process and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers. Our teachers will have the best insight into their students’ educational progress. Parents and carers can use NAPLAN reports, along with other school assessment reports, to discuss strengths and areas for improvement.
Michelle Nickels
Curriculum Coordinator