Student Excellence

Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised for their dedication and commitment to their learning and school values:
Nominated by Michelle Nickels - Year 9 Science
- Ben Elliott (Year 9) - The first student in the class to submit all required remote learning work.
Nominated by Nicole McAlister - Year 7 Flute
- Sophie Lancaster and Jordana Lutwyche (Year 7) - Excellent attendance of their weekly flute webex lessons and great approach to webex flute lessons.
Nominated by Silvana La Leggia - VET Business
- Allira Allen (Y10) - Ongoing persistence and resilience shown in VET Business
Nominated by Silvana La Leggia - Wellbeing Online Expo
- Felicity Anderson (Y10), Jesse Elderhorst (Y12) and Rylee Barnard (Y7) - Excellent speakers and ambassadors for Fairhills High School