Associate Principals' Report

"Success is a Series of Small Wins"
At Fairhills we know how difficult this term has been for students and their families, but we are also looking forward to having things return to normal and our school being physically back together again next term (at some stage!) Last newsletter I wrote about the need to maintain a positive outlook and the importance of having a good support team around you.
One of the ways students might find it useful to remain positive is to focus on the “small wins” they have had this term. Students should think about how you were able to engage with your teachers and classmates in webex sessions and contribute to class discussion each week. Focus on how you were able to complete the learning activity each lesson and how you have been able to successfully submit all of your learning tasks for assessment. You can also think about any of the other small wins you have had your everyday life – have you been able to establish an effective exercise routine, have you taken up a new hobby or learnt a new skill, have you managed not to get into disagreements with your family?
In discussing the events of this term with students over recent weeks I know some have found it very difficult to keep positive and maintain their focus. If you feel like you haven’t had many small wins this term then the best course of action is to reset your goals and focus on what you can do from now on – don’t dwell on the past. If you are behind with work don’t count up how many things need to be done, make a decision on priorities and then catch up one by one.
This is especially true for our senior students who can still improve their level of success if they actively plan and take positive actions now – do not procrastinate. Students completing a Year 12 subject have the GAT coming up on Tuesday 5th October and then most VCAA subjects written exams beginning on Wednesday 27th October. Reach out to your teachers, support your class mates positively, commit to spending a significant amount of time on your studies (there are no short cuts) and put in the effort step by step – each step is a small win towards achieving success.
Paul Donaldson
Associate Principal
As the term draws to a close, and we put behind us one of the most challenging terms we have experienced, I would like to acknowledge the good work undertaken by our staff and students. Our community has demonstrated high levels of resilience, determination and fortitude. I join with our community in the hope that we will soon be able to resume our normal work and school routines.
As you are aware, the school recently held an online curriculum day. This was an opportunity for the staff to work collaboratively, to share ideas and plan for new and exciting changes ahead of us. With the focus on our middle school students, teachers worked diligently on developing a range of new electives to be introduced next year.
The Year 9 Integrated Project is an exciting new program that will support the academic, social and emotional needs of our students. The program aims to provide an opportunity for students to gain knowledge and skills as they investigate and respond to an engaging challenge. This project-based learning and teaching framework addresses cross-curricula content and learning through rigorous, authentic, hands-on, interactive learning experiences.
Following on from the Integrated Project, staff spent their time further developing the Years 9 and 10 elective programs. These programs will provide greater choice in learning with students having the opportunity to be engaged in a range of courses within each Key Learning Area. Students will have the freedom to indicate preferences for courses across the required breadth of learning areas, as well as additional courses in areas of interest.
This opportunity allows students to do more of what they enjoy, to specialise in deep knowledge of an area, or to engage with a broader set of learning opportunities. These courses are designed to appeal to a variety of interests, to explore big ideas and to promote student connection to areas of study. This initiative will lead students at Years 9 and 10 to either the Victorian Certificate of Education or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning in Years 11 and 12.
Karen Dean
Associate Principal