
Year 12 Students - Planning for the next step
Term 3 is always a challenging time; final assessment, planning for 2022 and add to that lockdown.
Students need to consider having a plan A and B. All students are encouraged to consider applying either via VTAC or directly to the providers, even if they really don’t want to study next year. 2022 is still a long way off and a lot can change in that time. Having a possible place for Tertiary study could be a fantastic backup plan.
The end line for timely applications for VTAC is fast approaching.
After the 30th September applications will cost substantially more than the timely rate of $42.
Remember you can change your application as many times as you like right up until the December 20th. You don’t have to have all your decisions made but applying keeps your options open.
Students can access counselling and support up until the deadline on 30th September, they just need to contact me, (0408394958).
Students wishing to find employment, need to ensure they have their Resume and cover letter template ready to go by the end of the holiday break. Templets and construction tools for this process can be found on the Fairhills Careers website, Select for students – student secure area – resume and or Cover letter.
If you are seeking an Apprenticeship / Traineeship for 2022, it is a great idea to register with an Apprenticeship organisation who will help to you find a position. Consider MEGT, Apprenticeships Matter, WPC group, VACC, NECCA. (All have websites)
I encourage all year 12 students to have both plan A & B organised by the end of this holiday break so that all their energies can be focused on the final exams.
VET Applications
Students wishing to undertake a VET program in 2022 are reminded to submit a VET Application form to the school office as soon as possible. The application form is required for both first and second year VET students.
Classes are filling quickly and we do not want students to miss out. The Application form for 2022 can be found on compass in School documentation – course selection – VET.
Students entering into their first year of VET in 2022 will be required to attend a compulsory orientation session on 17th November – details will be forwarded to you in Term 4.
If you would like to include a VET program but are unsure which one, go to the Mullum VET Cluster website and check what is available in the 2022 handbook.
Year 10-11 and 11-12 Subject Selection
The final steps in designing the 2022 senior timetable are well underway. All students will be interviewed by a member of the senior team in the second week of term 4. These interviews will be held virtually and all families will be sent an interview time and login details.
We look forward to finalising programs for our 2022 senior cohort.
Liz Rundle
VET & Careers Pathway Manager