Learning In Focus -PE/Health 

Paul Wintle, Personal and Social Wellbeing Leader 

Stepping into the light of Local Fitness Opportunities


Sometimes instinct is stronger than reason. For many of us our instinct is urging us to get outside and explore, albeit for two hours and within 5km of our homes.  When on the edge of surrender and when it’s all a bit too hard, sometimes we need to look with fresh eyes at what’s already in plain view.  We all have this power.  Junior Health & Physical Education classes have taken the uniqueness of our current situation to explore local fitness opportunities and, in doing so, it is hoped build a student commitment to lifelong physical exercise. 


Students have created a 5km map of their homes and identified places, parks, tracks and prospects for fitness opportunities.  So mums and dads, aunties and uncles please encourage timely breaks from the screen routine and to get the bike out for ride to see what’s been there in front of us the whole time.  Don’t you worry St John’s, it’s going to be alright.


Take a moment to hear the thoughts of some of our Year 8s:


During this lockdown, going outside my house for basketball and running has been very beneficial, it helps you feel better and it’s a good kind of exercise – Marcus Versoza MO1


Going and exploring local parks may be beneficial for your health as a whole because not only does it get you outside but also gets you moving, which is excellent for your body and gets your blood pumping. – Simon Latar PH2




**If you’ve made it this far, see if you can find the Baywatch theme song references.  Paul Wintle (PSW Leader)