Captains' Corner 

Tiana Amoretti and Kent Mijares - Faith and Mission Captains 

Hi everyone, I hope you have all remained happy and safe during lockdown… again!


I just wanted to express how proud I am of you all for your resilience and continuous strength this year.   With RUOK Day being yesterday, I really want to reinforce the importance of checking up on family, friends and loved ones each and every day as a simple chat can go a long way.  We all know how difficult it can be to stay motivated with school or even just getting out of bed while in lockdown but keep on striving, remember to not be so hard on yourselves and that even a little progress is still progress.


Continue reaching out and staying connected, we’re almost there!


Kind regards,



A warm welcome to the St. John's family.  I hope everyone has been keeping well during this lockdown.  I know for myself, it has been tough living through a sixth lockdown.  But as the weather has been warming up, I've taken the opportunity to get out and about, getting exercise on the local walking tracks;  I encourage everyone to do the same.  It's extremely refreshing to be out of my house and I know it will be the same for you all. 


As Term 3 comes to a close, I urge the Year 12's to keep persevering in their studies.  We're almost there.  But keep in mind that this is our last year of high school so enjoy it (within the given restrictions).  Your mental and physical health are equally important, so reach out if you need and make sure to get your daily 10,000 steps!


Kind regards,
