Faith and Mission 

Tim Swan - Director of Faith and Mission

The Cry of the Earth the Cry of the Poor Social Justice Statement 2021-22


The Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2021-22: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, affirms that 'we human beings need a change of heart, mind, and behaviour'.  It draws from Scripture, from the theological tradition, from Catholic Social Teaching, and from the wisdom of the world, including the insights of the First Nations.


The Social Justice Statement 2021-22 provides theological foundations to ground and inspire efforts to care for creation while responding to the needs of the disadvantaged and excluded. 


In the Statement, the Bishops invite the whole Catholic community to join them in taking up Pope Francis’ invitation to a seven-year journey towards total ecological sustainability, guided by seven Laudato Si’ Goals.  These Goals are: 

  • response to the cry of the earth;
  • response to the cry of the poor;
  • ecological economics;
  • sustainable lifestyles;
  • ecological spirituality;
  • ecological education;
  • and community engagement and participatory action.

The Statement especially encourages Catholic families, communities and organisations to do the following: listen to the First Nations; reflect on the theological foundations offered in Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor; and plan their next steps towards the Laudato Si’ Goals.


Various Christian denominations now celebrate the Season of Creation beginning with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on 1 September and continuing until 4 October, the feast of St Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology.  While this Season of Creation is not an official liturgical season like Lent or Easter in our Catholic liturgical calendar, Pope Francis has encouraged us to make this a special time of prayer and action, in common with others, in caring for our common home.


At St John’s Regional College, our annual theme is ‘Everything is Interconnected’, Laudato Si’ (70), and the theme of the Bishop’s Social Justice Statement is addressed in the curriculum.  The College has a number of Social Justice activities to help the poor.  The Australian Bishops have recently appealed to the Catholic community to help Caritas address the refugee crisis in Afghanistan.  Caritas has been working for the poor in Afghanistan since 1990 but was forced to leave when the Taliban took control eleven days ago.  They are now in Pakistan assisting the tens of thousands of people fleeing the Taliban regime.  In Term 4, we will endeavour to make a fund-raising effort at St John’s to help Caritas in their work with this refugee crisis.


In our own lives, may we increase our efforts to care for creation while responding to the needs of the disadvantaged and excluded.