Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning

With only one week left of term, we now start to make our plans for the holidays, I do hope that everyone has an opportunity to have some rest, and maybe some opportunities for outings if some of our lockdown restrictions are lessened. We can all only hope for change in coming weeks.
I would like to outline some alterations that will be made to Year 12 student programs for Term 4. With our hope that Year 12 will return to onsite learning, we will make some amendments to student programs.
The final date of Year 12 classes will now be on Thursday 21 October. On Friday October 22, VCE students will undertake a trail examination in the morning, with a final assembly held prior to lunch. Year 12 students will then have study time prior to beginning their VCE examinations on Wednesday 27 October. We hope this extension to classes supports the senior students as they prepare for their final assessments for VCE.
During the Term 3 holidays, we traditionally hold trial exams for our Year 12 students. This year we will be sending the trial examinations home to students, along with an examination timetable. Students are asked to return these examinations on Tuesday 5th October, when they come to school for the GAT. These papers will be marked and are a key part of the feedback provided to students as they near completion of Year 12 studies.
During these final weeks of term, we will also be providing trial examinations during the Wednesday afternoons. This will begin with an English trial examination on Wednesday 6th October from 1.15pm to 4.30pm. These examinations will be marked by an external assessor.
In Term 4, we will also be offering some programs to our unscored students and, where possible, our VCAL students, when they have completed all formal assessment. These programs will include a Barista workshop and the Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) certificate. Further details will be provided via mail to all students that are involved.
We hope these measures will assist our senior students to have a successful conclusion to their senior studies. We look forward to seeing all students back at the College soon.