Smiling Mind Mediation


The Smiling Mind program is designed to help students become more focused and engaged learners. Students have been participating in this program throughout the year, increasing their mental wellbeing and improving resilience. There is a range of meditation programs to explore across the site, allowing you to find the right meditation for you and your child. If you would like to access the Smiling Mind program at home, follow the steps below to sign up. Please contact Mrs Serra if you have any questions about Smiling Mind Mediation.


Here is a summary of an article posted online by Smiling Mind for children and families. 


Perhaps it may give your family some new ideas to try.


5 simple ways to introduce yourself and your children to mindfulness


1. Carve out time in your day to meditate

Finding and taking the time to sit down and incorporate meditation into your daily routine is the first step in your family’s mindfulness journey. Taking a moment to pause, sit down and have mindful control of your breath is a great way to calm the nervous system and make you aware of your surroundings. It can be as simple as taking three deep breaths - and pausing after the third one. This is a simple technique that everyone in your family can use.


2. Create mindfulness routines before bed

Sleep is extremely important for growth, development and helping the brain function. To help your child unwind at the end of the day, you could play a bedtime meditation and all meditate together. Settling their minds in this way will increase their chances of falling to sleep quicker and more deeply.


3. Make time to create quiet moments

Setting regular times where the whole house has ‘quiet time’ involving the house consciously turning down the volume, switching off all digital devices and distractions. This encourages everyone in the family to have some time to just appreciate the moment and enjoy living.


4. Practice gratitude as a family

During difficult times, it is important to remember what we do have rather than what we don’t and what we are grateful for in our lives. A good way to do this is in the evening, sit down with your children and ask them to think of three things they are grateful for. Repeating this every night or once a week, will help your kids recognise the positives around them and feel secure and safe by the goodness in their lives. 


5. Connect to Nature

Spending time in nature and in the fresh air has benefits for us all. The fresh air and natural light help improve not only our mood but also allow us to become naturally more mindful. You could try a picnic in your backyard. A fun and mindful activity can be to ask your children to find objects in nature that have different qualities and texture (e.g. smooth, rough, nice smell) using their senses to engage in the present moment.