PE Department 

Staying Active in Lockdown 


In the spirit of the Olympics and Paralympics, classes from 7-9 participated in a range of physically active tasks in order to win medals in the Heathmont-lympics. This contributed to an overall medal tally for their class and below were our winning classes. Well done to all students that participated! 

10,000 Step Challenge

What’s the initiative? 10,000 Steps a day encourages Australians to increase their physical activity. Over the last 2 weeks, our Year 7-9 students have been participating in their ‘My Lifestyle’ MAT. This task has been set to get them to think about their current physical activity levels and diet. Students have been documenting their physical activity and eating habits over the last 2 weeks, to gather data around their habits. We seek to challenge their thinking around links to mental health, social health and physical health and make a direct association with why its important to stay physically activity. How are you measuring up against 10,000 steps? Staying accountable is step one. Give it a go: