Secondary Year 12

SAP- Highlights for 2019
Everyone has said that the Sydney Camp was the best thing this year because we went interstate. It was great seeing and doing new things like using an Opal card for travel, going to Taronga Zoo, travelling by boats and going to the Planetarium. The accommodation had a fantastic open air top floor where we could see the city at night.
Best Excursions:
Carla,Karl and Ruby say “Dialogue in the Dark” was the best excursion this year because it was a new experience being sight-impaired.
Teresa and Lachie enjoyed visiting the Dingo Rescue Centre and how we got to pat the dingo puppies.
Brittney liked the Melbourne Museum and especially the lit up flying bird in the Indigenous section.
Michael liked travelling into the country to collect the apples for our fund-raiser.
Erien enjoyed visiting Chinatown in Melbourne and thought the Chinese Museum’s gold rush displays were good.
Robbie thought speaking and listening to the visitor who had a guide dog was interesting and also the Grand Prix visit.
Jesse and Jarrod also liked the Grand Prix because there was a Honda Integra with a super-charger there!
Jayden enjoyed participating in the Year 12 Presentation Ball.
SSS- Highlights
My favourite memory was having really good friends and the best time ever was when I was with Christian, Ben and Zac.” - Yakup
“The Presentation Ball was amazing! I felt special and loved dancing with my brother.” - Caitlin
“The best thing ever was going to the Melbourne Zoo with my class and visiting the Melbourne Arts Centre.” - Ayat
“My favourite moment in 2018 was going to Sydney for camp. It was my first time to catch a plane with my friends and without my family.” - Rika
“The best thing I did this year was playing UNO with Will and Therese when I had free time.” - Con
“This year I loved going to the Werribee Zoo and seeing the animals!” - Natasha
“I loved going to the Grand Prix and seeing the cars.” - Alex
SNK- Highlights for 2018
Jesse K – Going on work experience was the best thing. I got to use a nail gun!
Adelaide – I really loved being in the Presentation Ball. I loved getting dressed up and celebrating everything about being in Year 12.
Shania and Madison – We enjoyed going on the Sydney camp. The best part of camp was going to Bondi Beach and seeing the lifeguards from the TV show Bondi Rescue.
Ben – I really enjoyed going on work experience. I loved having the chance to do different things and learning new things everyday.
Kulkiran – My highlight is going on the Sydney camp. I really enjoyed the trip on Sydney Harbour when we went to Cockatoo Island.