Secondary Year 11

SJS- Highlights for 2018
Zara: I liked presenting my reports to all the students in year 11.
Ted: Going to the Preston Market. I liked talking to the people and buying my lunch.
Hannah: Our trip to Healesville was good. I liked seeing the Platypus.
Alicia: Playing basketball with my friends on a Thursday with Sue.
Grant:Our walking excursion to Binnak Park and cooking our own sausages.
Patrick: I liked going to Endeavour Industries every week for Work Related Skills. I liked the people there and I got to package food items.
Brodie: I really enjoyed going on Camp. I liked the Ice Bar and getting free chocolate.
Jordan: I liked it when all the year 11’s got to work together and plan our activities.
Tenesha: Being a part of the Extreme Teamz challenges. I liked winning the Trophy.
Hebe: I liked making the Vegemite Icypoles. I liked eating them.
STC- Highlights for 2018
My highlight for the year has been helping Dave with the maintenance around the Concord School grounds.
My favourite part of the year was the Year 11 City Camp. I enjoyed going to the cinemas at Crown and competing in the Amazing Race around the city.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Presentation Ball. I loved getting dressed up and dancing the night away. It was a great night.
Josh O
I had a lot of fun at the Presentation Ball – it was a night to remember.
Josh W
My highlight of the year was the Presentation Ball. In some ways I liked the attention I received and in other ways I didn’t. But the night was a different experience and I really enjoyed it.
I feel that I am doing much better work this year and that I am working more independently.
This year I enjoyed participating in the VET Construction group. In term 4 we learnt about constructing timbre wall frames and we also made tool boxes.
My highlight has been to learn about different industries. We have visited different work places that we may choose to work in after school.
I have enjoyed the Work Related Skills component this year. As a class we completed voluntary work at Endeavour industries, Kevin Heinze Garden Centre, Boots for All and a cleaning contract at a local church.
Josh B
I had a heap of fun at the Presentation Ball. I loved the time spent free style dancing singing along to the songs.
My highlight this year has been completing a Structured Workplace Learning experience at the Salvation Army in Brunswick. I helped in the warehouse out the back.
I enjoyed my time at the Year 11 City Camp. Highlights for me included going to the Ice Bar, the Escape Room and Ice Skating.
SMP- Highlights for 2018
Lakishia- My favourite thing was going to the Eureka Tower and then eating ice cream at South Bank on camp. I also liked when we had lunch at the RSL to learn about hospitality jobs. I am very excited for the School based apprenticeship for next year.
James – I loved doing Work Experience at Oz tenpin bowling. I also really loved the Grand Prix.
Reece – I really liked learning about working at McDonalds. I also really liked doing work experience.
Jess – My favourite thing this year was the Grand Prix, then going to King Pin on camp.
Tenesha – Doing work experience at the florist was my highlight. I also enjoyed my Makeup course for VET.
Cooper- I loved being part of the Basketball program.
James – I loved doing the Presentation Ball dance. It was the best night of my life. I really enjoyed going to camp with my friends.
Mel – I really have liked the coffee business. I had a really good time at King Pin on camp.
Anthony – I enjoyed construction and I’m looking forward to the sausage sizzle this Friday.