
The benefits of homework are:

  • Reinforcement of skills and strategies learned in class.
  • Independent practise can lead to mastery of material.
  • It teaches children to be responsible for their work.
  • It teaches organisational and time management skills.


A Parent’s Role In Homework

  • Be involved, but don’t complete the homework for your child.
  • Set a designated place at home for your student to work.  Supply paper, pencils, a ruler and other material needed.
  • Help your child establish a homework routine.
  • Encourage your child to do their best.


Homework Description

  • A reading routine needs to be maintained at home.
  • Children will be expected to complete a minimum of 15 minutes of reading daily.
  • Your child should still read ALOUD to an adult and should be read to by an adult.
  • In Year Three weekly tasks may involve preparation for a presentation, Mathletics tasks, Math, Literacy and Wellbeing activities.
  • Throughout the year, children will be required to discuss their upcoming ‘Big Write’ at home. We encourage you to engage in as much discussion as possible with your child regarding the given ‘Big Write’ topic.
  • If for any reason a student is unable to complete their homework, a note from their parent must be brought along for the work to be excused.
  • If your child  is putting in effort and is still struggling, please bring the homework session to an end and send in a note or see your child’s teacher to explain the situation prior to the day it is due.