Resource Centre

Today I overheard Mrs Price saying to her Year 4 class that it is important that all students borrow books from the library; at which point, I could not help myself - I had to offer my five cents worth!
It is my belief that when all children read widely, it supports learning and allows students to develop their general knowledge; enabling them to offer their opinions in class and add more detail into their class and project work. Over the last few years as a class teacher, I witnessed firsthand what a difference reading books related to the topic can make - whether fiction or non-fiction. It improved the student’s ability to actively participate in class discussions. It also allowed them to develop more detailed projects and answers in their classroom tasks. This is just as important in the Secondary school as it is in the Primary years.
Borrowing and Returns.
When it comes to borrowing, our Wheelers platform has seen a growth in borrowing and placing of reserves on eBooks and audiobooks. There are a large number of senior primary (Year 5/6) students borrowing from this platform. Wheelers have added a large number of books catering for these students, as well as for secondary students.
Over the last few weeks we have noticed many lost and overdue books coming across our desk. We would like to thank all the families who have returned these items, allowing others to enjoy them once again. It is never too late to return books.
If the book you are looking for is not part of our collection, please let us know and we will try our best to locate and purchase it for you. We have done this for many students this year.
Overdue notices
Many families are aware that we send out overdue notices, and we are finding that many book are returned promptly after the emails were sent out. We have adjusted the time the emails are sent from 12pm to 4pm which means that we shouldn’t have a cross over between students returning books and the emails being sent.
If there are still concerns, feel free to contact the library via an email or by ringing the main office.
New arrivals
Each month we receive a standing order of a selection of books for student from K - 12.
MAG’s Reading Challenge
Moama Anglican Grammar’s Reading Challenge has been designed to encourage students to select books they may not usually read.
Students can collect the checklists from the library staff.
The category students can use to find reading materials for this newsletter is: Read a Magazine. As students read books or materials from five or ten different categories encourage them to come in to see one of the Library Staff to have it marked off.
Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) 2020
The Premier’s Reading Challenge is in full swing. Everyone is welcome to join. If you have completed this challenge in previous years, use the same username and password to enter your books onto the website. If you can’t remember your username or password email the library and we will rectify the issue. If you would like to join for the first time we will endeavor to sign you up to the site. Keep Reading!!!
National Simultaneous Story time
Last week it was National Simultaneous Storytime. National Simultaneous Storytime is when schools from all over Australia read the same book at the same time. This year’s book was Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas by Lucinda Gifford. On Wednesday, Kinder to Year 3 students had the book read to them.
"Whitney and Britney Chickens Divas is about two chickens going out to party and the fox is wondering where they are at night. If you want to know what happens next you are going to have to read it yourself.
Over the course of the week we had lots of different activities. The K-3 students were able to decorate the chicken Divas and make their very own paper tiaras. On the day, there many more activities such as word searches and chicken files, which the K-3 enjoyed immensely. National Simultaneous Storytime was a great success and enjoyed by many."
By Julia Dunn & Neave Dullard
To see more Photos of the K-3 National Simultaneous Storytime session visit the School Facebook page.