From the Business Manager

It’s been almost three weeks now since students have been back together, learning face-to-face and re-engaging with teachers and staff at the School. Things have quite rapidly returned to a slightly adjusted normal and it’s been great to see our School resuming business as usual.
This week we were advised that our recent application to the Murray River Council Community Grants Program was successful, and the School will receive $2,000 towards the purchase of an upright piano. This will support our music program and increase opportunities for greater student participation. When purchased, our new piano (a Yamaha U1J) will be placed in a new music practice room (previously used as storage) and will be utilised for both co-curricular and curricular music purposes. There are more than 150 students in our co-curricular music program (combination of private tuition and music ensembles), as well as curricular elective music students in Years 9, 10 and 12. We expect many of these students and their tutors/teachers to utilise this piano for the purposes of tuition, rehearsals, assessments, and performances. Music is important to our School; it provides a creative outlet, brings people together supporting individual and collective well-being, and allows individual students to flourish and share their skills. We appreciate greatly the support of Murray River Council. We will be seeking to raise further funds to assist with the purchase. If a family or business would like to contribute please don’t hesitate to make contact with our Head of Performing Arts Primary, Mrs Fiona Gibbs or myself.
Thank you to Lisa from I Want I Need Echuca for including our School in their recent Mother’s Day Stall. I Want I Need donated 10% of purchases that were made for Mothers Day gifts for our School mums, and also made a further contribution. The School was very grateful to receive a donation of $250 which will assist with the purchase of the piano mentioned above.
A reminder to all families that a Fund has been established to provide assistance to families who have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. Please don’t hesitate to make contact via email or by phoning the School.
Suzanna Barry
Business Manager