Dates to remember
Dates to Remember
Term 4 is a Sun Smart term
Parents and children are reminded that this term, children must wear the CRPS Broad Brimmed or Legionaries hat every day during recess and lunch breaks.
Public holiday Friday, October 23, 2020:
A reminder to all families that Friday, 23rd October is a public holiday for AFL Grand Final/Acknowledgement Day for Front Line Workers. There will be no school on this day.
Curriculum day – Monday, 2nd November, 2020
A Curriculum Day (Pupil Free day) has been planned for Monday, 2nd November 2020.On this day staff will be writing end of year student reports.This date and rationale for the Curriculum Day has been approved by our School Council.Camp Australia will provide an 'Onsite supervision' program on Monday, 2nd November for families that require this service. Please book in via the normal processes.
Pubic Holiday - Tuesday, 3rd November, 2020 is the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. No students will be at school on this day.
Friday 11th December School Reports go live on Compass
Friday 11th December 'Meet the teacher for 2021'
Wednesday 16th December Level 6 Graduation (Details to be confirmed)
Friday 18th December Last Day of Term
1:30pm dismissal
School Council Dates
Term 4
Thursday 12th November (via WebEx)
School Term Dates
Term 1 29th January - 27th March
Term 2 14th April - 26th June
Term 3 13th July - 18th September
Term 4 5th October - 18th December