Environmental Corner

As we have returned to school I thought it was appropriate for some Environmental tips that help students and parents as we move into Winter. So here they are:

Dial it down

Moving your thermostat down just two degrees in winter could save the production of a considerable amount of carbon dioxide per year.

Create a compost pile

You do not need to live on a farm, or even have a big backyard to try this eco-friendly disposal method. Composting means recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem, which keeps food out of landfills and waterways while making the garden greener.

Some communities have local composting programs. Or, start your own compost indoors. (Worms are optional; we promise.)

Recycle, reuse

It may be tempting to toss every juice bottle and peanut butter jar, but you can easily repurpose plastic and glass.

Think of them as free containers to plant seeds in, store the rice, nuts, and other bulk goods you stocked up on, or to hoard all the extra pennies you saved by recycling.


If you have any queries about the Environmental tips, you can email me via Xuno.


Elizabeth Allan

Science Teacher