Sustainability News

World Environment Day

On Friday 5th of June, St Columba's celebrated World Environment Day together. Dressing up in green, the students and staff participated in many fun activities during the day. 


The Prep-2s loved watching videos about the animals found in Elster Creek and the beauty of the Bay and then writing their favourite place to be in nature. Bec set a funtastic art activity where they created gorgeous sun catchers using leftover flowers and nature items. 


The school gathered to watch the much anticipated ResourceSmart School Awards ceremony where the fabulous Miss Young and the Green Team won Teacher of the Year and School Volunteer of the Year award! We are very proud of their efforts!


The 3-6s completed an activity online to promote the importance of looking after our precious environment!


It was such a fun day and we are so proud of the Sustainability efforts of our little school!

Zero Waste Festival online this weekend!!

Last year the fabulous Climate Change Choir sang at the festival however this year the festival is running online. Check out the amazing presenters and activities running this weekend (13th-14th June) :)