3/4 News

3/4s creating nature posters

News from the 3/4 Area


As part of our unit,’ How we express ourselves’ we explored how artists are inspired by the events that happen around them. We created our own images to reflect our experiences during remote learning.


Alexandra - My picture shows a girl walking past a shop that was closed wearing protective gloves. 

Ben - My picture shows how we all joined our Zoom morning meetings and got to see all of our friends when doing remote learning. 

Flynn - This picture shows me doing daily Zoom meetings with my class. 

Eloise & Carla - Our picture shows how we had and still have to be extra careful when washing our hands. We have to make sure we clean them properly to keep us and everyone at school safe. 

Elle - My drawings show how I spent the remote learning time sitting at my special desk to do my work and washing my hands as often as I could to keep myself and my family safe. 

Matiz - My picture shows me in a zoom meeting sitting on my chair with 2 candles which help me to relax. 

Milana - I was showing what I have on my desk and I tried to put in lots of details. 

Ruby - This is 4 pictures showing me and my friends, watching movies, going for walks and doing my Zoom meeting.