
VCE Music Performance Examinations around the Globe

We are tremendously proud of our VCE Music Performance Unit 4 students this week as many months of preparation pay off in the completion of the Performance Examination.  Many months in the preparation of this repertoire for this particular performance but many years of commitment to their individual instruments and their development as musicians to have the prerequisite skills to undertake the study.  Jack Sharp (Contemporary Guitar) and Milo Cooper (Cello) completed their examinations in Geelong last weekend.  Both young musicians commenced their formal music training whilst attending Myrniong and have followed a path of classroom music, individual tuition and multiple ensembles as they have crafted their individual skills to command instruments to convey their own personal musical interpretation and expression.  So many experiences have guided and informed their journey be it House Music, College Has Got Talent, School Assemblies, Tours, Eisteddfods, and special performances at local events.  The two examinations could hardly be more contrasting.  Assessed by the same set of performance criteria Jack stands in front of a PA stack with electric guitar and shreds Metallica whilst Milo presents as a String Quartet and Quintet, from Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik to the Cranberries’ Zombie.  And globally, Celine Chen (Contemporary Voice) having studied with our singing specialist teacher, Dr Susannah Foulds-Elliot since she commenced boarding at College, has done an amazing job from Shenzhen via Teams, and completed her examination via Skype at the Mingxing music centre.  You will have had the pleasure of catching a small snippet of performances from Jack and Celine during the Year 12 Valedictory Service and from Milo and the Quintet during Speech Day on Friday.


Mr Benjamin Hiscock                  Director of Music

Mrs Nichole Atchison                        Music Administrator