
Boarders' End of Year Dinner

The end of year dinner for our boarders was one that may have been a little different in format, but, certainly didn’t fall short in celebration. Boarders and their families from near and far were able to enjoy watching the evening from the comfort of their own homes this year. With the dinner live-streamed across the globe we were able to connect our international families with our domestic counterparts. The dinner is able to be viewed on Youtube through the link :


Our Year 12s celebrated their time in the boarding house during their dinner, and now will begin focusing upon their exam period. Our departing boarders have so much to be proud of and can hold their heads high knowing they have traversed adversity with success. They have more hurdles to overcome and we all believe this cohort of fine young men and women are more than capable to set a high standard in working hard and being kind this year and for many years to come. 


The night would not have been a success if it were not for the professionalism of Mitch Clode and James Laversha who were working hard behind the scenes and produced an unforgettable night. Thank you must also go to our Year 9 waiters, Alice Whitehead, Dominic Wong, Amelia Rouse, and Tom Hindhaugh.

Ben and Lizzie’s farewell

I would like to express my great thanks for our two Boarding House Captains this year. Ben and Lizzie and been unwavering in their response to the demands COVID has brought us. Their love, care and support for all boarders and MOD’s is truly visible in all that they do.  As leaders they have both shown how leadership is truly conducted. From the staff and the boarders, thank you for everything you have achieved this year and done. You have balanced the needs of the boarders through remote learning exceptionally well, working with us through small and big challenges, you have been consistently reliable, and above all you are wonderful young people. Ben and Lizzie leave a wonderful legacy that is nothing short of showing hard work and kindness. Well done and all the very best with your up and coming exam period. 

Year 12 boarders decorating Mac House early in the morning
Year 12 boarders decorating Mac House early in the morning

Farewell Gail McGregor

Gail started in January of 2005 as a Live-in Boarding House Carer, she worked as a Teaching Assistant in 2007, and was able to step in as Acting Director of Boarding when the Director was away for various roles. 

Parents have always been so very grateful for her care of the younger boys and Gail’s work has made their transition into Boarding so much easier. I believe Gail’s profound influence upon our boarders could not be better summed up but from the true experience and words of a boarder. We are very grateful for Year 11 boarder, Connor Hunter, who was able to reflect upon Gail’s time in the boarding house and show his and the boarding house’s appreciation of Gail and her time here. Thank you Gail and all the very best in your retirement. 


Melbourne Cup Day

Our Melbourne Cup Day was celebrated by a small group of 30 boarders. Boarders enjoyed an extravagant afternoon from Alfonso and our kitchen team. A sweep was organised and run by Harry Dorahy with a couple of winners within the staff cohort! The warm weather on the day was a wonderful opportunity to enjoy an outdoor BBQ, followed by some water antics on the Myrniong Oval. Our boarders are certainly enjoying the time together and this warm weather is making solid memories of fun, laughter and hi-jinx. 


Andrew Monk