Secondary School News

Secondary School News




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The first two weeks of term 4 have been pleasingly smooth and we are so pleased to at least have some of our students back. This of course is highlighting our enthusiasm for the return of all the rest of our students in years 8 to 10. 


Collingwood College students have done a great job of engaging in on line learning and parents and carers have also made wonderful efforts. We all appreciate the work that has gone into the transition to and continuation of remote learning. And now congratulations to all the students who have returned to on site learning.


Our Year 12 students have returned with renewed dedication to perform to the best of their ability in these circumstances and they are to be admired for their resilience and perseverance.

Year 11 and Year 7 students seem to be very relieved to be back at school and staff have been noticing that all students are working very hard and are focused on their learning while enjoying the company of their peers and the face to face interactions with their teachers. As restrictions ease and we return to some aspects of the routines of the school please remember that we will continue protect the health, safety and wellbeing of all our staff and students.


The guides from the Department still require the following:

  • Masks must be worn by all students over the age of 12 in the secondary school.
  • Students should bring their own drink bottles for use at school.
  • Sharing of food should not occur and everyone should use non-contact greetings (not shaking hands, hugging or kissing)
  • Students will be asked to practise social distancing where possible and hand hygiene will again be practised with the provision of sanitiser in classrooms and the school entrance. Reminders about good hygiene practises will be presented through home group and subject sessions as well.
  • Staff are also required to wear masks except when directly teaching a class but they can also choose to continue to wear one at all times.

At this stage our students in the remaining year levels are still expected to return by 26 October.


The Department Guidelines again state:

Remote and flexible learning will continue for all students in Years 8 to 10 (until 26 October) 

The Compass notice that came out in the first week of term emphasised the focus for term 4 as all students return from Remote learning. (The extract from that note is included here as a reminder)


Mental health and wellbeing

Our highest priority is the mental health, safety and wellbeing of every student and member of staff. All available resources will need to be effectively mobilised to ensure support for every student, including our most vulnerable. Please contact your child’s Care group teacher if you are concerned about the wellbeing of your child and this information can be passed to members of our Wellbeing team.



Some students have been able to more quickly progress in their learning in the remote and flexible learning environment, others have maintained their rate of progress, and some have, despite their best efforts and those of their families and teachers, fallen behind.

Our priority will be to ensure those who have fallen behind can catch up and those who have progressed significantly can continue to be extended and stretched in their learning. Literacy and numeracy across the curriculum remain a focus.



Term 4 is a critical period, particularly for the children moving from kindergarten into Prep, from Grade 6 into Year 7, and those in Year 12 moving into employment or further education and training. Students in other year levels will also prepare for a change of teachers and new classmates.

A key focus of Term 4 will be to make every effort to ensure each of these end-of-year and beginning-of-year transitions occurs as successfully as possible. This includes finding contextually appropriate ways to conduct orientations and end-of-year celebrations and ensuring transition information captures additional details as necessary.



All students are expected to attend on site once their year level has returned to on-site learning.

Exceptions may exist for medically vulnerable students. It is recommended that parents/carers of students with complex medical needs seek advice from the student’s medical practitioner to support decision-making about whether on-site education is suitable.



Judith Clelland

Secondary AP