Wellbeing/Curriculum News


Some great tips for our transition back to on-site learning.

Student Wellbeing and the Return to School

I know many students, parents and teachers are very much looking forward to returning to school after a long time learning from home. But we also know returning to school after such a long time will come with mixed emotions for some. Below you will find some useful tips as well as resources to support you and your family with the transition back to school. 


Returning to school: 7 tips for parents/carers to help children cope - a great article with some useful and practical tips.


SPECIAL REPORT: Coronavirus - The Transition Back - a video by Michael Carr-Greg


Tips for Returning to School - a video that provides suggestions to deal with any potential apprehension or anxiety children may experience on returning to school.


Supporting your child’s mental health during COVID-19 school returns - How you can help your child navigate their feelings during school reopenings.


This LINK will take you to a list of picture books to support your child with returning to school. Each one has a short description next to it and many are available online on youtube. 



Click on the images to read a social story about 

returning to school and a picture book about all the ‘Lost and Found Things’ in the time of Coronavirus. 

 Click on the image below to find some activities you might like to do with your child focusing on all the things we have to look forward to when this is all over. 









And lastly a very big THANK YOU! This year has been tough - please don’t forget to look after your own wellbeing as well. Go easy on yourself, take time to rest and spend time doing the things that make you happy. 



Bianca Di Giovanni 

Student Wellbeing Leader