
Community News
Become a Teacher's Aide - Enrolments now open- Certificate III in Education Support (Begins October 30th 2020)This qualification will give you the skills and knowledge to provide assistance and support to teachers and students in a range of educational settings. This includes primary, secondary & special development schools & areas of early childhood education.
Commercial Cleaning Essentials (Begins November 16th 2020)Fast track a career in commercial cleaning! This brand new FREE course develops essential skills for working in the cleaning industry in just 11 sessions! Our next intake runs from November 16th to December 2nd 2020. Enrol now to secure your place.Ring PRACE on 9462 6077 or visit our website:
Lauren Rizzacasa
Marketing Coordinator
Support for young people and opportunities for schools
Banyule Youth Services have launched a project to support young people who would like to sell their creations. We’re calling out for makers of art, craft, accessories and more.
We are offering:
- A spot on our dedicated page on our website
- Promotion via our social media platforms
- Workshops and tip sheets
- Stalls both online and at local events (when restrictions allow)
- 1:1 support
All for free! For more info go to or email
Saturday December 5th, 2020, 12 – 5pm
A FREE online five hour streamed music & art event for young people ages 12-25. The day will include Live Streamed Music, a series of free workshops and an Online Youth Market Space.
To register for the following free workshops head to
- Spoken Word
- Circus Skills
- Werewolf Games
- Wellbeing
Check out the web for more info on the day -
Young carers are people up to 25 years of age who provide unpaid care and support to a family member or friend with a disability, a physical or mental illness, a substance dependency, or who is aged.
Banyule Youth Services plan to reach out to Banyule’s young carers in mid-November to offer them a self-care pack full of goodies and information on further supports. Locating young carers is sometimes tricky as young people don’t always self identify as a young carer.
If you know a young carer, please get in touch with Naomi Simmonds in Youth Services by November 12 with a name, age, address and email so that we can reach out to them. or 0422 560 109.
Young people aged 12-25, their families and schools/agencies supporting young people can connect with our youth team for information/support.
We can provide support to young people via text, Facebook messenger, phone call or video chat. Schools, young people or families can request support in a way that suits them by completing the simple form found here
More information can be found at
“Being Well” is a wellbeing focused weekly online group for young people ages 12 – 25 years.
Young people can come to one session OR all of them - whichever interests them.
Sessions include- Zen your bedroom space, Food & Mood, Using art to practise mindfulness, bullet journaling and more.
More info & to register: Text or call Kate on 0481 003 524 or email
Young people will be sent a link and more information after they register.
Our IncArt program is for young people aged 12 – 25 years of all artistic skill levels to meet, socialise and express them self through art. This term the crew are creating puppets to animate with the result being screened at Livefest.
Online on Mondays from 4pm. Contact Leza Cullen if you’d like to get involved -
Banyule Youth Services have developed a series of online FREE schools workshops that have been created or recently updated after feedback from young people and schools. They include;
- Life Hacks – Learning about your legal rights
- Life Hacks – Learning about how to get a job
- Life Hacks – Learning tips and tricks about money and budgeting
- Wellbeing & Selfcare – What is Self-care and how can it help us?
- Safe Partying – Information about staying safe, alcohol & more
- Social media & Body image – how the internet can impact our self-esteem
- Gender equality – Learn what it is and how it is helpful for everybody
- Media Literacy - supports young people to develop media literacy, and an understanding the difference between facts, opinions and analysis.
- Music Vibes – Learn how Music can improve your mood
- Art vibes – How you can use Art as a form of mindfulness
- Youth work 101 (for teachers) – Understanding adolescence and using strength based frameworks to support young people
All workshops are interactive, available for VIRTUAL DELIVERY and most include additional resources. More information can be found here
Facilitated by experienced youth workers, each workshop is about 1 hour in length and they are a great fit for well-being groups, personal development or health/mental health classes or those focused on life skills.
For Bookings please complete our EOI form:
*Please note that the school workshops are delivered to groups and are best booked by a teacher or member of support staff*
More info on Banyule Youth Services weekly programs and online resources
Banyule Youth Services also have a number online programs running each night plus a range of fantastic resources available. Select the links below to learn more.
- Info on our weekly online programs: Check out our programs & activities. All sessions are held in an online group setting with young people who enjoy similar interests.
- Banyule Youth Services Youth Portal: Resources & activities for COVID lockdown and access to one-on-one support for young people and their carer’s.
Opportunities for Banyule young people & parents - November & December