
Our wonderful children

Grade Prep

The Prep students recently took part in an exciting Wildlife Incursion where they learnt about a range of native Australian animals and their habitats. 



In other news, the students have been reading the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’. They have explored the features of fiction texts such as characters, setting and plot. See below for some of their incredible work!


Nia with her favourite page of the book
Safanah and Hannah with their craft
Sonakshi with her retell of the story
Vihaan identified the problem and solution
Cindy with her description of the Gingerbread Man
Nia with her favourite page of the book
Safanah and Hannah with their craft
Sonakshi with her retell of the story
Vihaan identified the problem and solution
Cindy with her description of the Gingerbread Man


In other areas:

-Students have been revising Phase 3 phonics through independent activities.

-They have continued to use their dirt, grass, sky books to practise letter formation.

-In Maths, students have learnt about length and mass through a range of practical and creative activities.

Mira is hefting to measure mass
Mira is hefting to measure mass


In STEAM this week, the Preps have been completing their monster marble games. We encourage them to play the game with family using marbles, grapes or blueberries! We have also been learning about mixing colours through our exciting walking colour experiment.

Grade 1

Craft Power Incursion

This week in Grade 1, we built our very own cars! Students have learned how to safely use a hammer and nails. They even got to design and paint the cars once they were built. We were very lucky to be assisted by some of our wonderful Grade 6 students as well.


Money Incursion

This week, students attended the 'Smart Start' incursion about money. They practiced recognising and ordering coins and notes. They also learned the difference between wants and needs from Captain Cash, a money superhero. He taught the students to "wait for their wants and speed to their needs". See below for photos of the incursion and some photos of the writing students 




In STEAM this week, the Grade 1's have been learning about coding using the BeeBots. They are loving it! The students have been entering commands by pushing various directional buttons and then watching the BeeBots follow their commands. This connected well to the students learning in Numeracy this week about position and direction.

Grade 2

Once Upon a Time

Over the last week, Grade 2 students have been exploring the magic of fairy tales in their Reading lessons. They have read a variety of fairy tales, including those from different cultures and fractured fairy tales written from different points of view. After reading The Princess and the Pea, many students took home a dried pea to put under their mum's pillow. They couldn't believe it when their mum woke up aching and sore! It meant she was a real princess!


Around the World in 10 Days

Over the past week, students began a two-week focus in their Writing lessons on information reports. Students learnt about another country - England - where some of the fairy tales we read came from. They watched their teachers model each section of an information report about England, then had a go at creating their own. Each student chose a country of interest to them. Choices ranged from China to Chile. We can't wait to continue our information reports in the coming week!


Ships Ahoy!

On Thursday, Grade 2 students were very excited to board the Polly Woodside - virtually of course! This in-school visit linked well to our writing focus on travelling around the world. During the session, students learnt about the history of this tall ship and what it would have been like to sail the seven seas. They had a great time!

Ninja Warrior Course

Last week, the Grade 2 students transformed in to ninja warriors, ready to tackle the visiting obstacle course. They worked hard to complete all the jumping, balancing, crawling and climbing obstacles.



In Music, the Grade 2's have been learning how to play the djembe. They have been working on applying specific playing techniques to create different types of sounds. These sounds are then used to create patterns / rhythms. 

Grade 3/4

Last week, the students took part in a Ninja Warrior 'challenge course.' They had to navigate tricky obstacles, crawl under nets and finally traverse 'the wall!' The teachers were very proud of all of the students for taking on the challenge. Well done to 34A who got the fastest time on completing the course as a Grade.


Students also finished the Bundjil Creation artwork. They used recyclables to create a montage.


This week, students practised Reader's Theatre when reading a Micheal Rosen poem, to build on their prosody skills (intonation, punctuation, phrasing and stress).

In Mandarin, the Grade 3/4 students have been learning about the weather conditions in Chinese. They have also been researching the weather forecast for Australian cities and writing a weather report in Chinese. 

Grade 5 and 6

Last Friday Grade 5 and 6 had the last of our science invisits. In the Light and Sound session, students learnt all about the properties and transmission of light and sound energy. In the Electrical Buzz session, students used Snap Circuits kits to build exciting circuits using a variety of electrical components including switches, LEDs, resistors and integrated sound circuits.


Our Grade 5 and 6 students demonstrated their skills on the Ninja Warrior course. It was fantastic to see everyone having a go and we were so impressed with how well everyone did!


Grade 5 and 6 have been practising their basketball skills over the last few weeks. They have played golden child and Grade 6 even had a few mini games last week too. MVP awards went to Elijah for some excellent shots in tough spaces, Hudson Bacon for some determined dribbling and Kareem for an amazing assist to Alicia. All students gave it their best effort and showed fantastic teamwork. We have also played Taktyerra – an indigenous dodgeball style game in which students are not allowed to move off of their mat.