Parents Association News

The unveiling of our COHR Coffee Cart

The Parents Association have acquired a Coffee Cart. Please join us this Friday morning (after assembly) for a free cuppa. 

Bunnings BBQ

Thank you to all the parents who assisted at  last weekends Bunnings BBQ .  It was another very a successful day raising over $1500.

The next Bunnings BBQ at The Links on Saturday 26th October.  A roster will be placed in the office foyer if you are able to assist. 

Footy Colours Day

We are holding our"Footy Colours Day" TOMORROW.  Children are welcome to wear their footy colours. As we have been raising funds for the John Moriarty Football Fund over the last few weeks children are not required to bring a gold coin donation for Footy Colours Day.

Cakes and Icypoles

A big THANK YOU to those parents who have baked a cake for our weekly cake raffle over the past two terms. This year we raised an amazing $1,300.00

The cake raffle will be replaced next term with the sale of lemonade icypoles each Friday. On the first Friday back next term children will be given a free icypoles. For the following Fridays icypoles will be on sale at lunch time for $1.00