Class Updates

Year 1/2 Class Update
Today we say goodbye to Mr G, who has been with MDHS since 2019. Mr G came to us as our year 5/6 teacher, and has since had various roles in the school, including Design and Technology teacher, Secondary teacher, and a stint as Deputy Principal. The students think he's great and he will be missed by his class and staff. Mr G has been a great asset and contributor to our school and we wish him well in his new ventures.
In term 3 we welcome Miss Westberg who will be taking on the role as year 1/2 teacher. Miss Westberg has plenty of teaching experience and comes to us from Karratha. We look forward to getting to know her and introducing her to everyone.
Indonesian Party
The students in Grades 3-7 celebrated a fantastic semester of learning Indonesian with a huge party on Wednesday and what a wonderful time they had! They started off the party with some traditional Indonesian games including the hilarious clog race and finished up with a cooking demonstration by Mr Chad, who also spoiled us with a delicious lunch of ayam goreng, mie goreng, pisang goreng and nasi putih. A huge thanks to Mr Chad for sharing his talents with us, and to all the students who took part. Thank you to Miss Ludwig for organising this enriching and fun day!
DISA Cross Country - Koorda 17th June
Please find the results from the DISA Cross Country held in Koorda on Friday 17th June. Well done to all our Muka students for participating, and a big congratulations to the Muka kids who took home awards. Thanks to all the parents for attending and cheering the children on; it's always so encouraging seeing the students and parents cheering for the Green and Gold!
Mukinbudin DHS Cross Country - 27th June
Well, that's another successful MDHS Cross Country done and dusted. It was a beautiful sunny day and a great start to week 10. Students from K-Yr 10 participated and we were very proud of all those who took part in the day's event. It was also fantastic to see all the students encouraging each other as they came across the finish line and cheering them on from the stands. Thank you to Mrs Clarke for organising another great event, Mr Clarke for riding the course each race, and all the staff and students that helped as course marshalls. Thank you and well done to all the Mums and staff that participated in the all-female dash for chocolate! Miss de Lacy smashed the race!! The winners were:
Open Boys
1st Brian Abdullah | 2nd Jake Rice | 3rd Tyrone Grundy |
Open Girls
1st Ellouise Rice | 2nd Isabel Vernon | 3rd Keira English |
Senior Boys
1st Calvin Marquis | 2nd Maitland English | 3rd Jett Walker |
Senior Girls
1st Zoe Vernon | 2nd Emily Rice |
Intermediate Boys
1st Mitchell Marquis | 2nd Lincoln Priest | 3rd Lewis Ballantyne |
Intermediate Girls
1st Jennifter Westberg | 2nd Maggie English | 3rd Savannah Cronje |
Junior Boys
1st Wyatt English | 2nd Ash Lamond | 3rd Bryce Jenkin |
Junior Girls
1st Millah Clarke | 2nd Matilda Cronje | 3rd Poppy Sprigg |
Crazy Hair Day
It is fabulous to see so many staff and students participating in the Crazy Hair Day today! This was the whole school reward for PBS and suggested by some students. What a great way to finish off Term 2.