Primary Report 

We would like to welcome everyone back for Term 3.  We hope that all of our students and families had an enjoyable and restful break and were able to experience visiting some new places since COVID-19 restrictions have eased. We have heard some very lucky families have experienced flying for the first time and some have enjoyed taking their caravans for a trip out of the local Echuca/Moama area. Lots of great stories have been shared with students and their teachers this week about their exciting Term 2 holiday break. Our School photos from MSP arrived this week and were sent home with students. Year 5 will take their photos home on Monday next week after returning from camp.


Staff Development Day - Deep Learning with Jennifer Woods AIS Consultant 

Our Primary staff started the day by reflecting on the great work that has been done in Term 2 on Deep Learning and the successes they have all had with students making an impact in their classrooms. The staff did further professional development addressing the scope and structure in the Four Elements of Learning Design; these include pedagogical practices, learning partnerships, learning environments and leveraging digital. These four elements provide a process that makes it easy for teachers, students, leaders, and families to shift their thinking and practices. There was further work around accessible language for the dimensions. The Primary staff have also worked on creating Deep Learning posters that are age and stage appropriate for students to question what they are doing and how they can further develop the 6C’s. The 6C’s Collaboration, Citizenship, Character, Critical Thinking, Creativity and Communication are at the forefront of what we do and enable our students to investigate in rich ways areas that are of real interest to them. The K-6 staff used their time to continue planning their Teaching Programs with Deep Learning embedded. It was great to be able to float new ideas past our AIS consultant Jennifer Woods whilst she was here and get her professional feedback and assistance with our Deep Learning plan moving forward.


Year 4 Deep Learning Showcase

For Deep Learning last term, Year 4 students explored Critical Thinking and Creativity. Through the use of a hands-on task, students used their skills learnt in Mathematics to help them investigate, plan and construct model bridges with a variety of materials. The students applied their Critical Thinking skills, and considered how their bridges should be designed, constructed and priced in a real-world scenario to ensure practicality and purpose. The culmination of student work was presented during Week 9 with an impressive showcase, where students not only displayed models of their bridges but also discussed design features, the inspiration behind their chosen bridge design and how their thinking evolved during the task.


Year 5/6 Boys/Mixed Campaspe Football Carnival 2022

After an extensive tryout process, a boys and a mixed team were selected to represent our school at the annual invitational Year 5/6 Boys/Mixed Campaspe Football Carnival on the Wednesday of the final week of Term 2. The big day had finally arrived and unlike last year’s torrential rain, we were greeted with clear skies and the students were ready and raring to go!


Upon arrival, we were faced with quite the dilemma, as it soon became apparent that the officials hadn’t added our mixed team into the draw. Whilst being extremely disappointed, we were forced to use our resilience and focus on what we could control and so the decision was made to have both teams play a half of football per match so everyone could be included in the event. The students rallied together as one united team and displayed a huge amount of tenacity in each of the 6 matches they played, against some very strong competition. Both teams moved the ball with pace and an array of talent and skill was on show throughout the day, not to mention an unwavering endeavour for the contest where a hard but fair mindset was always at the forefront.


Judging by the positive conversations, fantastic teamwork and camaraderie on display, the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were proud of their efforts despite the challenges faced. We initially set out to achieve excellence on the scoreboard, setting high expectations to succeed leading up to the event. Although the students worked hard, tried their absolute best and never gave up, unfortunately it just wasn’t our day in the results department.


While it wasn’t quite the experience we were expecting, it was a valuable one. One about the importance of determination, grit, resilience and sportsmanship - and that you don’t always have to win on the scoreboard to achieve success. We couldn’t have been prouder of everyone involved, especially the staff and parents - thank you for all your assistance and support. But, as always, the real heroes were our students who upheld our school values to the highest standard, not to mention demonstrating an amazing level of resilience and carrying themselves with the utmost integrity.


Mr Harris

Primary PDHPE/Sport Teacher


Year 5 Camp

Year 5 students are currently immersed in History as they step back into the Gold Rush era as part of their annual camp to Bendigo and Ballarat gold mines. Students not only witnessed first hand what life was like on the diggings, but were also involved in a two day role play in the Sovereign Hill Costume School under the watchful eye of “Sir” or “Ma’am”.  School yard games from the 1850’s were a hit with games such as hoops and sticks, quoits, skipping and throwing horseshoes being played during students' break times. 


Parent Teacher Interviews

Our Term 3 Primary Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held on the following days:

Tuesday 2 August 3:30 – 6:30pm Classroom teachers

Wednesday 3 August 3:30 – 7:30pm Classroom teachers and Specialist teachers (optional only)


As COVID-19 restrictions have eased, all interviews will be conducted face to face. This term, parents have the opportunity to schedule meetings with both classroom teachers and specialist teachers. More information about the booking process will be shared with families in the near future.


Scholastic Book Fair

We are running a Scholastic Book Fair at Moama Anglican Grammar on Tuesday 2 August from 3:05 to 6:30pm and Wednesday 3 August from 3:30 to 7:30pm. This time coincides with our Primary parent teacher interviews after school on both of these dates. We are looking for volunteers to supervise the Book Fair on both days.


K-2 Swimming in Week 5

This term from 8 August to 12 August we are pleased to be able to offer a one week intensive Learn to Swim program to our Kindergarten to Year 2 students. The program will be conducted by qualified experienced swimming instructors from the Campaspe Aquatic and Leisure Centre in Echuca. 

It is important that our students experience water safety and good swimming techniques whilst they develop as young learners. Through learning correct swimming techniques the students develop a love and respect for water safety in all aquatic environments that they may encounter.

The lessons will run for 30 minutes. The students will get changed into their correct swimming attire and a warm jumper before leaving school by bus with their class teachers supervising. They will need to bring a towel and possibly a swimming cap and goggles so they can participate each day. Students may wear sports uniform during this week so that it is easier for them to get changed. We understand the timing isn’t ideal with the current weather, however we are hoping to make the most of having this great swimming opportunity. 

Further information will be provided to K-2 families next week.



This week our students acknowledged and celebrated NAIDOC Week (3-10 July) participating in some engaging activities. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for Australians to come together to pay tribute to the achievements of our First Nations people. The celebrations spotlight the diverse cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

The theme this year is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! This theme encourages all of us to champion institutional, structural, collaborative and cooperative change while celebrating those who have already driven and led change in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.



Moama Lights Colouring-In Competition

We are excited for our students to participate in the 2022 Moama Lights Colouring-in Competition. Murray River Council will provide our school student winners with lanterns and decorating materials in the week commencing Monday 18 July, 2022.  Lanterns will be returned to Murray River Council Office by Friday 22 July 2022.

Lanterns will be displayed in the 2022 Moama Lights show. 

Event tickets are available from


Welcome to our new students 

Special welcome to the following students who have joined us from the end of May: 

Shanaya Garg Kindergarten, Arlie Barnstable Year 1, Autumn Corlett-Love Year 2, Kusali Gamage Year 3, Greta Broadhead Year 3, Alexandra Woods Year 4, and Matilda Griffin Year 6. 


Kind regards,


Mrs Brooke Barber                                                  Mrs Mel Scott

Acting Head of Primary (Term 3)                    Head of Teaching and Learning Primary