General Information


Happy birthday to the students and staff that celebrated their birthday in Week's 9 and 10 of term: 

Indie Lawson, Abigail Pietsch, Bobby Chard, Max Grob, Lane Grob, India Williamson, Harry Smith, Mrs Baker, Mr Cameron, Mrs Little and Mrs Gannon



Our thoughts and prayers are with George Claxton and his family after the sad loss of his Grandmother.



5th September,  2022  -- HOSTED BY EARLY STAGE 1




Early Stage 1 (Kinder)

Xavier Price

Lewis Masterson

Claire Pietsch

Charlotte Wehr

Christopher Hodgman

Stage 1

Sophie Pietsch

Charlie Schalk

Isla Nugent

Isobel Brummell

Chantelle Dixon

Zara Correy

Phoebe Newberry

Stage 2

Sam Barratt

Harriet van der Waal

Claire Bailey

Joshua Pietsch

Scarlett Templeton

Max Grob

Josie Watts

Alissa Antony-Pereira

Jimmy Chard

Willow Southern

Zoe McAllister

Andy Watson

Peyton McBain

April Collins

Isabel Arandale

Stage 3

Ella Teinaki

Lydia McFarlane

Mya Key

Harry Pope

Bronte Ellis

Chloe Tremain

Clint Quinn

Aden McBain

Allegra Pinferi

Abigail Pietsch

Danyela Bailey

Emmie Parish

George Claxon

Abby Copeland

Aila McBain

Savannah Hogan


The change of school uniform from summer to winter or winter to summer is not always associated with the school term. Our uniform policy states that there will be a two week phase in period called by the school. We do this to cater for the change in seasons. During this time students are ask to be in full uniform either summer or winter, not a mixture of both. Students are able to wear either summer or winter uniform depending on the weather, until MONDAY 24th October when all students will be required to wear full summer uniform. If you have any problem with your child wearing the uniform please contact the office as soon as possible to discuss the matter further.



A reminder to all our parents ahead of the break at the end of Term 3 that school zones remain in place for the safety of our children and families. 

School zones operate on all gazetted schools days, which are all days the school is open, even pupil free days. 

School zones for our school will end at 4pm on Friday 23rd September and resume on Monday 10th October at 8am.



At the moment the school is not selling second hand uniforms. St Vinnies in Bourke Street stock our uniforms and have a large amount of summer stock available. 



At the moment a lot of students are sick with tummy pains, vomiting, head colds and other illnesses. These illnesses are highly contagious and spread  through the school very rapidly. If your child is unwell or showing flu like symptoms please keep them at home until their symptoms have cleared.