Sports Update

Polding Athletics Trials

We wish the following students; Josephine Brummell (Shot Put and Discus), Aila McBain (800m and 1500m), Paige Floyd (100m and 200m), Fletcher Barratt (200m, 800m, Long Jump and 1500m), Dustin McBain (1500m) and Bobby Chard (200m and 800m) all the best at the Polding Athletics Trials held in Newcastle Friday 9 September. Congratulations on making it to this level. We know you will try your very best at these trials.

 Absent from photo - Paige Floyd


Netball Regional Finals

Next Wednesday the 14 September, nine of our Stage 3 girls will be competing in the Netball Regional Finals held in Tamworth. They have been training hard during their lunch times and on Friday afternoons with their coaches Kristen Bailey and Sal Floyd. Good luck to these girls. We know you will represent the school with pride. 

The team consists of; Danyela Bailey, Paige Floyd, Eve Watson, Abigail Pietsch, Bronte Ellis, Mylie Doust, Mya Key, Allegra Pinferi and Ella Bruce.

Absent from photo - Paige Floyd


Armidale Diocesan Gala Day

The Armidale Diocesan Gala Day will be held next Friday the 16th September in Tamworth. With the option of Soccer or Netball, the students in Stage 2 and 3 have been training hard during their Sport time in preparation for this fun day. We trust the students will have an enjoyable day competing against the rest of the schools in the Armidale Diocese. Photos and results will be in the next Newsletter.


Representative Uniforms

This term has been busy on the sporting front with many of our talented students representing our school. Once your child has finished competing in their representative sport, please ensure all uniforms have been washed and returned (in a bag with their name) to school ready for the next event. 


Mrs Jackie Barratt