Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

Busy times since I last wrote! From Book Fair reading by torchlight to a special visit by Bishop Kennedy to Stage 3 Confirmation Mass to Father’s Day BBQ Breakfast and a P&F Meeting, St Joseph’s Glen Innes is a vibrant and active place for sure! Congratulations and thanks to everyone who made all these events and activities work so well for our kids and families. At the same time, our skilful helpful team of teachers and support staff are getting on with the academic and well-being work done so well in our classrooms. All of this ‘other stuff’ continues to build an authentic catholic community working in partnership between parents, staff and students. Well done and thank you to everyone who planned, led or participated!


I have recently returned from the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) Conference in Melbourne. My key takeaways were two-fold. Firstly, the inseparability of learning and well-being continues to be the only thing that really matters in our schools. Note this pertinent quote - “If a child can do advanced maths, speak 3 languages or receive top grades, but can’t manage their emotions, deal with conflict or handle stress, none of that other stuff is really going to matter”Hence, our whole school Living Well Learning Well student support framework affirms this important orientation. Making sure that our children feel Safe, Valued, Respected & Cared for in a positive learning climate is the only thing that is important for our Glen Innes kids and is affirmed by international and national research!


Similarly, biomedical engineer Dr Jordan Nguyen of Beyond Superhuman fame passionately emphasizes the ONLY thing that holds back a child from achieving their dreams is an over-controlling adult. Our Glen Innes kids can achieve anything if they truly believe it and work relentlessly to achieve it and are surrounded by skilful helpful adults! Notwithstanding the importance of ethics, our new generations are technological natives and do not know a world without technology. What are they capable of? How can we support them to achieve their potential? The key message being that our teams of skilful helpful adults are working in a spirit of positive partnership with families to bring out the absolute best in our children!


I am hoping that this is the last time for 2022 that I will sign off with “stay warm and stay well”...but you never know!?


ps. Note the 'phase-in' of summer uniform from next term in General Information.


May God go with you

Geoff McManus
