Diary Dates and


Events may need to be adjusted to suit COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time.


Education week Primary public speaking competition 


Last week, 4/5 students worked with Mr Stuart and 5/6 students worked with Mr Rowley to write a speech for the Education Week public speaking completion. Students that would like to continue writing their speeches can work on them over the holidays and present them in class in the first week back. Two class representatives will be chosen from each class. These representatives will then present their speeches to an executive member of staff (possibly Mr Jones) and they will select a winner and runner up. The winner will receive a $30 voucher, and the winner and runner up will present their speeches at the Education Week Assembly in Week 3. 


Speeches are to be no more than three minutes long but can be as short as one minute. The theme is linked with the 2022 Education week theme: Creating futures – Education changes lives.  


Possible topics that they students can choose from are:   

How can education shape my future?  

What’s the best thing I’ve ever learned? 

What should education look like in the future? 

What’s the perfect school day? 

The top 5 most important things about education. 

WeekJuly 2022TimeEvent


Monday 18 JulyAll dayStaff Development Day


Tuesday 19 JulyAll dayFirst day of Term 3 - All students return


Thursday 21 JulyAll dayExcursion to Canberra - Twits


Mon 25 - Fri 29 JulyAll daySchool Dentist visit


Monday 25 July10amEducation Week Assembly + BBQ lunch


Tuesday 26 July9:30amSmoking Ceremony and Welcome


Wednesday 27 July




7 -12 Math Amazing Race - Hall

Light refreshments for visitors

Years 3-6 Maths Challenge - 5/6 classroom

Book Fair open for purchasing


Thursday 28 July



Light refreshments for visitors

K - Year 12 Informal Assembly - Short Story Comp 

and book character parade.

Final day to purchase from Book Fair


Friday 29 July




Light refreshments for visitors

Years 7-12 vs Staff Academic Challenge - Hall

Years 3-6 Spelling Bee - Library

3Mon 1 - Fri 5 AugPMParent/Teacher interviews

Reminder: All school fees and elective fees are  now overdue. Payment should be made via the 'make a payment' tab on the Boorowa Central School website.

Secondary elective fee payment is compulsory.


Please use this link to access the 'make a payment' tab.
