Lifestyle, PDHPE & Sport

Year 8 Hubs
Our Click, Like, Share unit of work saw students explore the issues of cyber safety and social media usage. Our Blue Hub students were required to design a cyber safety exhibition to present to Year 7 students around the concepts of cyber bullying, sexting, digital reputation and respect online. Students used their collaborative, communication and creative skills to design an interactive presentation with the purpose to educate, raise awareness and provide strategies peers could use to navigate the online environment safely.
Cross Country
We sent a small contingent of eager runners to the Zone Cross Country on 15th May at The Basin Mount View Park. Congrats to Sharra Gibson Puller and Traie Foley for making it through to the Regional Cross Country event which is scheduled to be held on 17trh June at Tocal College.
Under 14's Rugby League
Our Under 14's Buckley Shield Rugby League Team competed in the Hunter finals held at Baddeley Park, Cessnock on Friday 10th June. The boys played Callaghan College in the first game winning 10 - 8 but were outclassed by Rutherford High in the second game. Despite the loss, our overall results from the day placed our boys in the top two teams in the Hunter, which is an achievement KKHS has not seen for many decades! We also transported two buses of students to the game as our supporters. The school spirit, which included lots of cheering was very much appreciated by our playing team.
The team are now preparing for their away game final where we will travel to the North Coast and take on Mullumbimby High School.
Sport Ambassadors
Mr Rumball and some Yr 10 students headed to Maitland Athletics Facility to assist Gillieston Primary School in the running of their annual Athletics Carnival. I received a lovely message from the organising staff member:
“I just want to really give the boys a huge wrap for today. They were outstanding! Incredibly helpful, took initiative and really worked well as a team. They should be extremely proud of themselves, and it was a pleasure having them on board.”
Exploring Early Childhood
The following article is a revision of our Growth & Development unit written by Hayley Yates:
Children need to be able to live in a happy and healthy environment to be able to reach their millstones and their full potential. A child needs a healthy environment as it effects how the child develops physically, socially, emotional, and how their brain develops so they can learn. To do this we need the help of the child’s parents/or care givers. This means that a child should be provided with the opportunities and their needs. A child needs shelter, clothing, nutritional meals however a child also needs the love and affection of their family they have many needs that need to be fulfilled to provide the child with the opportunities to grow and develop physically, socially, emotionally, culturally and their cognitive development.