Hub Happenings

Congratulations Year 7
What an exciting semester it has been. Each and every one of you have truly made the most out of your first semester of high school. It has been so lovely to see every hub settle into their daily routines and see some quality learning experiences evolve. It has been great to see so many of our students put their hands up to represent their new school, whether it be in representative sport, public speaking and Starstruck. So I encourage each student to challenge themselves and have a go at something extracurricular. The year 7 hub teachers cannot wait to show all students what is in stall for the next 6 months and the fond memories that we will all share.
Project 1: How do you adapt to thrive?
For Term 2, Year 7 continued to work though Project 1: How do you adapt to thrive? The focus of their studies flew to China, where students designed a completely new animal and highlighted their adaptations to thrive in their chosen landscapes. Year 7 enjoyed watching Mulan and exploring historical accuracies. We then jumped back to Ancient China where they were tasked with creating an original picture book based on the lives of Ancient Chinese people. Whilst there were a few historically inaccurate superheroes and dinosaurs involved in building The Great Wall of China, we were very impressed with all of HUB’s creative efforts.
Lifestyle: Grit! Do you have it?
This Term Yr 7 concluded their GRIT unit of work which involved them creating a Mental Health toolkit as well as develop their skills in our Survivor challenges. Students worked on their self-management and interpersonal skills to complete a series of physical challenges in our practical lessons. Perseverance, resilience and collaborative skills where all required to complete these challenges successfully. On the 7th of April, Year 7 put these skills to the test and competed in the RAW Challenge at Doyalson. Students participated in 2km course full of obstacles and mud pits. Even though the water was freezing, the rain was bucketing down, and they were delayed for thunder and lightning, they persevered and complete the course. Everyone came through the mud with smiles on their faces.
Project 2: Are you water wise?
Week 7 began the start of our newest project, “Are you water wise?” Here students will explore water in the world, the water cycle, and water scarcity. Students will get hands-on experience with their scientific investigations and will broadcast their findings by creating and filming their very own news stories. Students will learn perspectives from other nations and understand the value of water.
Check out our Project Launch video to introduce our waterwise project: