Stage 4 – Can we replicate a Polynesian canoe? AND will it float?
Ms Tilden and Ms Purcell worked furiously with 8 White early this term to teach them all about the features of Polynesian canoes and how these were used for traditional wayfaring by the Polynesian peoples. After learning these features, students were given the challenge to build one out of paddle pop sticks, glue and tape – AND to make sure they were able to float.
During a lesson period of much excitement, students were invited to test the waters and see if their canoe replicas actually floated. While there was mixed success, there was a lot of excitement and joy and in Quest, we think that makes for good learning too!
Stage 5 – Some brilliant KKHS students producing brilliant work
We would like to congratulate some of our fabulous Stage 5 (Year 10) students for their wonderful work on their recent Geography assessment task. They did a deep dive research task on a biome of their choice and, using a variety of sources, were able to present information on these diverse landscapes. Check out some of the rocking work below! (Be sure to scroll through each pic)
Stage 6 – Senior shout out
We would like to shout out to the following senior students for their brilliance; we count our blessings everyday that we get to teach such driven students in senior Quest subjects.
Year 11
Year 12