Big Picture Academy

Year 9
After successfully completing their first ever Big Picture exhibitions the year 9 students have begun term 2 thinking about the personal interest projects that they are passionate about. The advisory has a wide variety of interests including interior design, furniture making, Japanese history and fitness/nutrition programs for motorsport that they are producing work around. They will be presenting their work in week 10 to their families, peers and teachers.
The Year 9 Big Picture Academy students are also beginning to research and contact possible Learning Through Internship (LTI) placements that are a key element of the Big Picture design. This will see them spending one or two days a week gaining invaluable experience doing a job that connects to their interests and possible future career.
Students have also been completing their regular journal entries and there has been some excellent creative writing around the prompt of a heat wave. The students have also been considering the positions of the different political parties in the run up to the federal election and creating posters to promote and inform National Sorry Day.
Year 10
The Year 10 Big Picture Education Advisory has been working on their Personal Interest projects this term. The students have completed their first assessment which was based on their Project Proposals and Learning Plans. Each students knuckled down and completed their task. This has helped them build on their portfolios for the term.
Year 10 are continuing to lead the way in the Learning Through Internships (LTI) placements which is a massive part of the academy. These are the following students are out in the community:
Megan G. – Mcpherson Concreting
Tahlea F. – Weston Primary
Samuel T. – HMRI
Zara F. – Magnetic Shots
Keara B. – Scapbooking
Hannah W. – Hairtique On Lang
Miah G. – Kurri Kurri Pre School/Kindergarden
Abby S. – Oakvale Farm
Finally, we are still continuing out Return and Earn project which is our advisory giving back to the community while also raising money for a project which will be planned in Term 4. We also have been invited to run some Aboriginal games in the local primary school. This will also be an example of our students giving back to the community but also build their confidence.
Year 11
Year 11 Advisory have been working on their projects for Term 2 in which they will exhibit their learning in week 10. Some of the projects that are being investigated are Motor sports, lego, art, carving a wooden chess set, pet photography and organising a trip to Greece to name a few.
Several students have been participating in a Learning Through Internship which is an integral aspect of the Big Picture Design. We are appreciative of the businesses that are assisting our students to experience what it is like to work in a specific job setting. Some of the businesses have been AVE technologies, Kurri Kurri Library, The Wonky Pot Plant Nursery and Hunter Valley Animal Facility.
During Term 1, we ran a fundraiser which saw Kurri Kurri High School raise $3,000 for the Vouch for Lismore Fundraiser. It was great to
receive a letter and certificate from The Rivers Secondary College to acknowledge the effort of Kurri Kurri High School to raise
funds for such a worthwhile cause.
Year 12
With only 12 weeks left of school for the Year 12 Advisory, the students have been working hard on their Senior Thesis Portfolio’s. This term we have had a focus on social justice in the community and how each individual plays a role in shaping the future. Year 12 have begun volunteering at Soul Café in Newcastle, a homeless shelter that has allowed them to gain perspective on the different economic status’ within the community. These opportunities have allowed for them to build connections within their local community and understand the importance of creating positive network systems.
Their volunteer work extended to helping host the local JAECG Leadership Day, collaborating with peers, staff and other schools involved in the broader community. This was a great learning experience that allowed them to see how the JAECG committee gives students a voice and agency within their school community in regards to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learning and education.
Several year 12’s have stepped out of their comfort zone in Learning Through Internships and shadow days that have allowed them to explore a multitude of possible career pathways. Such as, Cessnock Dog Grooming, BH Hair Design and Music Production. We hope to finish their year 12 studies off with as many positive opportunities as possible.