Principal's Address

Dear Parents / Carers,


Our last newsletter for Term 2 captures the many events and the focus areas of the last fortnight.


Refugee Week

Refugee Week is Australia’s peak annual activity to inform the public about the issues affecting refugees and celebrate positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. It was our focus last week, with the theme “Helping” particularly poignant with the suffering in Ukraine.


It promotes harmony and togetherness. The theme unites individuals, communities and organisations from many different backgrounds behind a common cause. The common theme is a reminder that, regardless of our differences, we all share a common humanity.


Refugee Week is a call to action; an opportunity to raise awareness of the plight of refugees and to ‘help’ in any practical ways that are possible.


As well, the celebration fosters a better understanding between different communities and encourages successful integration, enabling refugees to live in safety and to continue making a valuable contribution to Australia.

May we all reach out to be agents of change and in this spirit we pray:


Lord, no one is a stranger to you

And no one is ever far from your loving care

In your kindness watch over refugees and asylum seekers,

Those who are separated from their loved ones, those who are lost

And those who have been exiled from their homes.

Bring them safely to the place that they long to be,

And help us to always show your kindness to strangers and those in need. Amen.


Student Leadership

After their Reflection Day on Monday, Year 11 gathered on Tuesday morning to engage in a Leadership Program, which provided both an opportunity for each student to consider the qualities of leadership and to reflect upon the reality that they will be student leaders at Mater Dei in a little over a term. 


Leadership is hard to define, but effective leadership is easy to see! Leading is not the same as Managing. Events and activities are managed but people are led. Therefore, leadership is about relationships, about empowering others, about developing the team and being able to say together “We did it!”


As part of my time with Year 11 on Tuesday morning, I shared the following thoughts about Servant Leadership, which underpins our Catholic culture:


 A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the one at the “top of the pyramid”, harnessing and using all the power themselves, servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. 


Servant leadership is actually an ancient approach advocated by leaders of the world’s great religions like Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha, and the Dalai Lama.  They all offer us a common message, that we are called to serve others and that service is a path that connects us to Spirit and empowers us.


When people are open to God, they receive guidance, hope, power, and love to accomplish our divine servant leader mission.  They can have a sense of joy and peace regardless of outcomes because they experience grace so that success does not matter all that much.  But success often does result.  


I reminded Year 11 students of the expectation that they serve as an example of the Vision of the College. Our Vision aspires for the College to be a nurturing community which:

  • is founded in Catholic faith, justice and love
  • is inclusive
  • is learner centred and,
  • seeks excellence and wisdom.

I also reaffirmed the expectation that they serve as an example of the Mission of the College. That Mission is to:

  • care for each individual, affirming their dignity and uniqueness
  • foster right relationships with God, creation, self and others
  • provide particular attention to those most in need; and,
  • build a welcoming, safe and supportive school environment.

We took some time to consider how a servant leader responds to challenges so that individuals and groups are empowered and built up and relationships strengthened. After sharing some thoughts about leadership I asked students to consider how the following quotes reflect their understanding of what it means to be a student leader at Mater Dei Catholic College in 2023:

“Great leaders don’t set out to be a leader; they set out to make a difference. It is never about the role - always about the goal.”
“A leader is one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way.”
“What you do has far greater impact than what you say.”
“Leadership is an action, not a position.”
“Empowering those around you to be heard and valued makes the difference between a leader who simply instructs and simply inspires.”
“A good leader is one who takes a little more than their share of the blame and a little less of the credit.”

The Leadership Program launched the process that will culminate in the appointment of our Student Leaders in 2023 next term. As our Year 11 students reflect upon the contribution that they are called to make to our College community, we pray:


Lord God, you call us to life in all its fullness, 

following the path set out by Jesus your Son. 

As we reflect on his leadership as Servant

we ask you to deepen our desire to imitate his example. 

May we use the gifts you have given us as a faithful 

reflection of his presence at work in our lives. 

We make this prayer to you through Christ, our Lord.




We remain committed to celebrating the histories, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. As NAIDOC Week falls during the holidays, it was celebrated at the College on Friday, 17 June.  


As we recommit each year to be people of Reconciliation, this year’s theme Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! Is a reminder that we all share the responsibility to seek proper environmental, cultural and heritage protections, recognition, equity,  justice and respectful relationships. And we must do it together. Let’s take this opportunity to renew our commitment to Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! together.


Staff News

Mr Daryl Lawrence will be on leave for the first two weeks of Term 3 and Ms Mel Cramp will be Acting Assistant Principal, with Mr Shaun Ellis as Acting Leader of Students for this period. Ms Sophie King will be Acting KLA Leader of English during this time.


Congratulations to Ms Anna O’Brien, who has been appointed as a permanent HSIE Teacher at Mater Dei. Anna has held a number of temporary teaching positions and is well known to our community. 


Ms Nicole Lewis concludes her twelve month appointment as Acting Leader of Learning Innovation and Development this week. I thank Nicole for her outstanding contribution to the College in this capacity. Ms Bianca Fonte will return to this role at the beginning of Term 3, after a period of Parental Leave.


Prayers Please

  • For Year 10 students who are commencing their subject selection processes for the two year HSC Course in 2023.
  • For Year 11 who took part in their Reflection Day on Monday and Leadership Program on Tuesday morning. 
  • For Year 12 as they prepare for their Trial HSC Examinations early next term.
  • For all our staff, students and their families.

I wish all our families a relaxing and renewing holiday break and return safely for Semester 2 on Monday, 18 July. We look forward to seeing our day students and boarders back on that morning.

Best wishes,


Mrs Val Thomas | Principal