Extracurricular - Science

David Felbel

Year 9 Year Level Coordinator

Zoo Leadership Program

Year 9 student Alana S and Year 10 student Sasha F have been selected to participate in a Zoo Leadership Program along with 28 other Victorian science students.  The program runs over 13 days during Terms 2 and 3 and looks into science and leadership skills.  They will also study different marine animals and the effects of soft plastic and litter on the ecosystem.  They will learn from Zoo Victoria and industry leaders and be supported to undertake a Science research project that will help inform a wildlife conservation project.


This year the research project is focused on litter in high schools and how they can prevent it from entering the environment.  Alana and Sasha would like your assistance in completing a research survey about soft plastics around the school as part of their program.  The information from this survey will be used to help the Zoo come up with new ways to help marine life.  The link to complete the survey is located below:
