French Binational

Geraldine Lautour-Akremi

French Literature Teacher

Drama workshop

As a nice conclusion to their unit on Drama in French Literature, the Year 8 French Binational students had the opportunity to participate in a two-hour improvisation workshop run by Natacha Muller, head of the theatre company, The French Loop.  After a game-based warm-up, Natacha progressively led the students to act in a small or larger group in a variety of inspiring improvisation games involving creativity, observation and collaboration.  She encouraged them to express their own ideas to complete a “tableau vivant” (living picture), paying attention to the other students’ intentions as well.  A big thank you to Natacha for her patient and kind guidance of our students.  It was definitely a morning packed with laughter, fun and emotions!  Natacha runs regular improvisation workshops in French for children and adults and organises improvisation evenings with her partners from The French Loop.